CH9. The Lion, The Witch, And...

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The audacity of this bitch!

I just wanted to train with Jaune and Pyrra, But no! Team RWBY dragged me along to do shopping with them. Why don't I get to decide what I do? Maybe, I want to go home and watch Hellsing Abridged!

Ok that's enough bitching I need to catch up with the rest of team rwby. Ruby and Weiss were bickering about something unimportant and Yang was watching with amusement. Blake was being Blake, and by that I mean she only spoke when spoken to, which I can respect.

We turned a corner and Weiss began talking about the Vytal Festival. I've read about it and it's a tournament for huntsmen from every academy. So best believe imma be in there kicking ass.

Weiss: Oh, the Vytal Festival!

Yang: Wow Weiss I've never seen you smile this often.

Ruby: It's kinda creepy actually...

She turned around and kept talking.

Weiss: How can you not smile? It's an event that appreciates all cultures and events! The amount of planning that goes into this thing is amazing!

Yang: You really know how to make a good thing sound boring.

Weiss: Oh hush.

Yang: Still though, why are we spending our weekend at these docks?

Ruby: It smells like fish.

Y/n: It's the docks, Ruby. It's supposed to smell like fish.

Blake(Mumbles): It's not that bad...

Weiss: Well I heard that the students from Vacuo are arriving at these docks, and as a student of Beacon, I want to welcome them.

Blake: She wants the upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss: *gasp* You can't prove that!

We kept walking and soon we stopped next to a dust stop crime scene. Ruby stopped forward and asked the detectives what happened.

Ruby: What happened here?

Detective 1: Dust shop robbery. These have been pretty frequent and we can't figure out the culprits plans. They even left the damn money.

Detective 2: You thinking the White Fang?

The first one sighed and started walking away.

Detective 1: I'm thinking we don't get payed enough.

The second one started walking away and Weiss decided it was a good day for racism.

Weiss: Ugh, the White Fang. What an awful group of degenerates!

Blake was taken aback, why wouldn't she be though? Those where her fellow faunas.

Blake: What's your problem?

Weiss: My problem is that I don't care for the criminally insane!

Blake: The White Fang are hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They are a collection of misguided faunas.

I decided to cut in

Y/n: Agree to disagree, humans suck because of discrimination. While the White Fang sucks because their methods are less than pleasant.

They both slightly calmed down, but of course Weiss decided to press her luck.

Weiss: Misguided doesn't stick well, after all, they aim to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!

Blake: Then they're very misguided!

Weiss: Hmph! Those filthy faunas only know how to lie, cheat, and steal!

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