CH27. The World's Most Expensive Breakup

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Winter and Qrow began their unnecessary dual. I returned to Ruby and Weiss, both of which were glaring at me.

Ruby: I'm not letting you sleep in my hood for a week...!

I smirked at her and patted her back.

Y/n: That sounds more like a punishment for you than for me.

She tried to be angry, but that emotion didn't sit well with Ruby.

Weiss: Why...?

Y/n: We got drunk.

Ruby: Another thing! When where you going to tell me about your alcoholism?

Y/n: When you decided to get drunk.

Weiss felt quite ignored, and was still insanely pissed about my fucking of her sister.

Weiss: I hate you!

Y/n: Your sister sure doesn't.

Ruby tried her hardest to be stern, but insulting Weiss was a luxury she couldn't miss.

Ruby: Pfff!

Weiss: Why are you laughing?!

I was going to continue my insulting, but was rudely stopped by a icy Nevermore.

Y/n: Oh right they're fighting.

I turned to my right and saw Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood walking over here.

Qrow followed my gaze and his eyes settled on the trio. He stopped attempting to fight and even stopped his sword from turning into a scythe.

Y/n: You think he'll be mad...?

Ruby: With the stories he's told us? Very unlikely.

Y/n: I'm assuming he pulled all the girls at our age?

Ruby: Apparently...

They had made it there just as Winter had charged up a final attack.

Ironwood: Schnee!

She stopped and turned to look at the general.

Winter: General Ironwood sir! He started the encounter!

Qrow: Not true, she attacked first.

Winter was quick to respond, but realized that he was telling the truth.
Ozpin looked to the crowd and dispersed them.

Ozpin: You may leave now, there are much better seats and popcorn at the collisuim.

Glynda swiped her kink stick and began repairing the damages they caused.

Glynda: Disperse! We shall handle this ordeal!

They crowd cleared and the eight of us remained.

Ozpin: Miss Schnee and Rose, you may return to your team or dorms.

Ruby: What about Y/n?

Ozpin: You know why Y/n is included in this.

The two reluctantly nodded and turned to the bullheads. Not before Ruby gave me one quick hug before she left.

Y/n: I'll meet up with you guys later.

Ozpin:*cough* We should handle this in my office.


We all walked into Ozpin's office and Ironwood chose to speak first.

Ironwood: If you where one of my men I would have you shot!

Qrow: If I was one of your men I'd shoot myself!

Y/n: Amen.

Winter, despite her hornyness at my presence, decided I didn't have to be here.

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