CH40. A Message From The Queen

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Y/n POV:

So here I was, sword in hand and ready to fight God, in order to save my world and defeat the almighty Gwyn-!

My daydreaming was cut off by a hammer to the face. I was sent flying back into a tree and landed with a harsh thud. After recovering, I looked up at the woman that just hit me into a tree.

Nora: You alright, Y/n? You're not exactly... godlike... at the moment...

That left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Y/n: Why thank you, Nora, I don't know if you've noticed, but my fire is getting fucked and I have to fight God with a bunch of humans in two months!

Ren: And Faunas.

Y/n: Fuck you, Ren.

I got up from my tree and looked around me. We had been training in the forest as we traveled. Neo and Ruby were currently hunting for dinner since their semblances are the most convenient, which left me here with these schmucks.

I summoned my armor and sword, facing the devourer of pancakes and holder of Thor's Hammer. I smirked and raised my sword, morphing it into a greatsword shape and adapted my stance accordingly.

Y/n: You'd wipe the floor with Eygon.

Nora: I love eggs! What are they on?

My smile got even wider.

Y/n: Oh I am definitely using that one day.

I kept towards her and raised my sword, attempting to catch her off guard. She used her grenade hammer to propel herself in the air to counterattack me, but I spin midway and guarded from underneath her.

The pressure was strong, but not Yhorm, and I was definitely used to Yhorm. I overpowered her and pushed her to the side, swiping to my left as I did so.

She took the full force and a singed cut appeared on her hip. She grimaced, but got up and readied her hammer.

Nora: I'm not losing this time!

Y/n: Maybe if you took advantage of that gun in your hammer, you would!

She got the idea and smiled at me, raising her weapon upwards as she did so. I used two hands and guarded with my greatsword. She started the engagement by leaping forward and preparing for a downward slam.

She pulled the trigger on her handle and the hammer was accelerated by the grenade blast. It slammed down and I was forced to tap into the strength of flame. The greatsword disappeared and my arms were surrounded by embers as I grabbed the blunt of the greathammer.

It's force made the ground beneath my crack a little, but I managed to hoist her over me and slam her down back to earth. A cloud of dust shrouded the area and I raised my hand, then quickly slashed down. The speed cleared the clouds and I saw a very tired Nora in a small crater.

I willed away my gear and let out a tired sigh. They had gotten way fucking stronger, I'm starting to need the strength of flame to beat them.

Well granted, 95% of my power was from the flame, but that still meant that these little shits had become at least a twentieth of a Y/n. In the short amount of time we were at Beacon, and the experience of The Fall, they had become hardened through trial.

What's this I feel? Pride?

You're god damn right in proud, fuck outta here with that edgy 'Oh God emotions' shit. I'm a good ass teammate.

I turned to my right and saw Ren and Jaune, who had been watching the spar. I smirked and reached into the corner, grabbing the now unconscious Nora.

Jaune: Is she okay...?

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