CH35. War Is Coming

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I awoke to the sound of slight rustling to my left. I turned and saw what I assumed was Ruby having a nightmare of the fall.

They haven't been a frequent thing, but still enough to make a sane boyfriend stressed the fuck out.

I shook the rose awake and she came back to me with a load and sharp gasp.

Ruby: Pyrra?!

I gave her a tight hug from under the other end of the bed.

Y/n: She's gone Ruby...

She was overwhelmed by the nightmare. She had actually taken this the hardest, she blames herself for what happened to Pyrra.

I felt cold droplets on my shoulder, presumably her tears.

Y/n: Shhhh... Just let it out...

And that she did, quite enthusiastically.

After a few minutes she had recovered from her PTSD attack and was returned to normal.

Ruby: I'm sorry Y/n... I just keep seeing them...

I squeezed her I but tighter.

Y/n: It's alright Ruby...

After a while, we had gotten out of bed and gotten dressed. We headed downstairs and saw Neo talking with Yang. Tai was out per usual, he had been doing extra missions to provide for the three of them.

Oh yeah I'm ash I don't have to eat.

Y/n: Morning cunts.

They turned and Neo happily walked over and gave me a smile. Yang simply shrugged, sense that was the only arm gesture she could muster now.

Neo tried saying hello, but could only muster of a Hmeep noise. Adorable, but definitely not understandable.

Y/n: You'll get the hang of it.

She let go and gestured to plates that had been set on the table.

Yang: Her cooking is better than yours.

Y/n: Thanks, taught her myself.

Yangs smug grin immediately turned into a frown when she realized her insult backfired.

We sat down and began eating. Neo had made some lovely bacon and eggs with some papas on the side.

Ruby had been holding a thought in, which had been lingering in her head for a while. I guess she decided that now was a good time to ask the very important question.

Ruby: Are we... y'know... Gonna try to get the team back together....?

Y/n: My instincts say that Blake wanted a fucking break and went home. Either halfway to Menagerie or already there.

Yang: *grumbles* Wouldn't be the first time...

Ruby gave her a small glare. I guess she is on Blake's side, but I was still torn between. I decided to shift the conversation before it escalated.

Y/n: Weiss is in Atlas. Even with the borders closed it'll take me at least three weeks at most to get there.

Neo: I can use my semblance to disguise a bullhead. No problem flying there.

Ruby: Ok but what about Blake? We can't just leave her out of this!

Yang had quite enough about Blake. Some would say hatred, others would say sexual tension. Who knows?

Yang: She left because she couldn't handle anything! She's a coward and probably isn't even in Vale anymore.

Ruby: Yang she's your teammate!

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