CH1. Welcome to Remnant

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Well today was fun, I got to wear Siegeward's onion helmet and Anri found some way to bitch slap Aldrich before he uses his arrows. Pretty nice day.

I walk to the bonfire and travel to Firelink shrine.

Y/n: Hey Fire Keeper

FK: Hello ashen one. Andre said he  would like to speak with you.

Y/n: I'll go now then, bye FK.

Y/n: I really need to find a nickname for her.

I walk over to the blacksmith and see Andre happily hammering a weapon into what I believe is a greatsword. I walk in and take a seat next to him.

Y/n: FK said that you wanted to see me.

Andre: Aye, I wanted to tell ye that something is wrong with the other Firelink bonfire.

Y/n: The dark Firelink doesn't have a bonfire, Andre.

Andre: Aye, that be the problem.

Y/n: I'll go check it out if you would like.

Andre: That'd be nice, thank ye ash.

Y/n: For the love of God Andre it's y/n.

Andre let out a chuckle at my comment. So naturally his laugh made me laugh, as is the cycle of homieship.

Andre: Just stay safe, don't want to see m'ye worked get squandered.

I nodded and walked back to the bonfire. I wonder what would cause the dark Firelink to generate a bonfire. Is it even possible to generate a bonfire? I kinda just find them occasionally when I find a god to kill.

I travel to the dark Firelink, and as Andre said, there was infact an inactive bonfire where I found my sword fragment. I walk over and raise my and over the ash to light the fire.

The flames exploded in a flurry of black and white, constantly clashing colors, like soldiers in a war game.

Now what a smart individual would do is report back to Firelink and take this process slowly. I however, am a massive idiot! So I walk up and use the bonfire.


Well that's totally not suspicious. I travel to the area, unknowingly walking into what would be the biggest change of pace in my life.

There was a burst of light and dark flowing around me. I saw what I could only assume was a vision of this world.

There was a man and woman, the woman was abnormally pale, practically snow white. While the man was old and fighting with a cane. That would explain the constant war feeling.

I began looking around and saw a warzone. There was an army of people, all with unique and bizarre weapons. On the other side of the battlefield was an army of what I think where animal-like demons. No, not demons, hollow. I couldn't detect a soul from these creatures.

One of the humans jumped forward, a small girl in a red cloak and welding what I can only assume is the most beautiful scythe I've ever seen. I wonder what is would look like with a dark modifier? That would be awesome! Wait getting sidetracked.

The girl ran forward and let out a powerful blast of energy from her eyes. All of the demons caught in the blast disintegrated, so she's the strongest, I assume. That started the war, every demon and human rushed into battle. Constant screams and death.

The old man with a cane started fighting the pale woman. She was a witch or wizard, or possibly somewhere in between. The old man was fast, and she was sustaining heavy damage. However she regenerated, ah that's it, two immortals battling each other. That would explain why grandpa is so experienced. However the woman had a look of pure rage, while the man shed tears with every attack.


I woke up in a Forest, I still had my armor and weapons. Where the fuck am I? There was no bonfire where I stood. Their was a bright light in the distance. Good, I will head towards the nearest civilization. There wasn't a massive warzone around me so I assume it was a vision of the future.

On the way there I looked up and saw something that actually surprised me. The fucking moon was shattered. That doesn't just happen, so I assume it's conflict from the two immortals fighting, or something similar.

I eventually got to a city. I looked around and saw a sign saying "Welcome to Vale!" That explains where I am. Best I look for a library to catch up on where I am and what the hell is happening.

There was small difference though, I no longer held souls, in the bottom left of my vision was a money symbol, and then the soul count I had originally. Well that explains that this world doesn't take souls for currency. Actually I'm pretty sure we where the only ones weird enough to use souls as currency. Eh, doesn't matter.

Once you get to the towns people are giving you weird looks, I follow their eyes and realize that you are still wearing your armor. Embers and fire begin swirling around you and then suddenly disappear, revealing comfortable underclothes that you keep on under the armor. A simple white t-shirt and sweatpants. You walk over to a library to find some books to catch up on this world.

Once you are in the store its quite empty. There was a librarian minding her own business and there was a girl reading on a beanbag chair. You decide it'd be nice to have a friend in this world and walk over to the girl.

Y/n: Watcha reading?

She is startled but calms down and talks about the books.

???: It's about a man with two souls in his body.

Y/n: (mind) sounds a bit to familiar for my taste.

Y/n: Sound nice, I personally like a bit more dark fantasy type stories, but it sounds like a good read.

???: It is, I could lone it to you if you'd like.

Y/n: No thank you I'm just here to find some history books.

???: Can I get your name?

Y/n: Names y/n l/n. What about yours?

???: My name is Blake Belladonna, nice to meet you.

Y/n: well it's been a lovely chat but I need to get going with those books.

Blake: Bye then, nice to meet you.

You walk over to the nonfiction section and grab some history books. Checking out was easier than you thought as the librarian just wanted to mind their own business.

You walk to a nearby inn and get a decent room. Once you are their you sit down and start thinking about what you are going to do in this world, and how to bring the others here. No offense but our realm fucking sucks, this is way better.

I open a book and begin the long process of getting up to date.


Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now