CH6. Bun Bun Go Brrr

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After talking the bitch out of Weiss,we headed towards the cafeteria to meet up with the rest of rwby and jnpr. Honestly I think that the day has already been hectic. Max luck, I pray for a peaceful afternoon.

I walk in, grab my food, which looks a lot better than the dogshit they serve at Firelink. (I'm sorry Anri but Siegewards estus soup is amazing.)

Y/n: Halloo!

All: Hey.

Ruby gained a nervous look and was about to speak.

Weiss: Don't even mention it, I'm sorry Ruby

Damn right you are

Ruby: No I should be apologizing for being childish.

Weiss: No I sh-

Y/n: For the love of fuck! Just kiss and make up already.

My complaining earns a respectable punch from Ruby and a slight shank from Weiss' Rapier.

Y/n: Thanks Ruby you didn't hit that hard this time! Am I growing on you Rose~?

Yang: If you keep flirting with my sister I will personally crucify you on your own bendy sword.

Y/n: Is that a challenge Yang? Because I can guarantee that I can flirt with Ruby while fighting you.

The entire table sweat dropped as Ruby had a slight blush on the side.

Nora: Oh I wanna join!

Ren: Nora no!

We enjoy our time and food until something, or rather someone gains our attention. The high school jock guy was picking on a bunny girl. I personally didn't give a fuck until I realized the reasoning.

H.S.J: Hey look at this freaks ears.

B.G: Hey stop! That huarts!

'Oh dear God she's bri'ish'

CUT! You cant just say that shit!

Y/n: Fine.

Back to the story

B.G: Hey stop that hurts!

I was pissed, actually I was visibly pissed because Ruby tapped my shoulder to bring me back to my senses.

Ruby: Y/n, your clothes are on fire.

On cue my normal Beacon uniform lights up and turns into my Firelink armor. My hand sets on fire again and reveals my Coiled Sword.

Y/n: Im completely aware, Rose.

Everyone at the table stops what there doing. They get the message and they all back a decent 30 feet away. Ruby, however stays for a moment.

Ruby: If you get expelled, I will beat the heck out of you.

Y/n: I really like you Ruby, BUT PLEASE JUST SAY FUCK

Yang(From the distance): NO!

I remove my helmet and threw it to Blake, who promptly catches and nods to me. I want this dickhead to know the face of the man that cut his cock off.

I begin walking towards the group of bullies. The leader, High school jock guy, notices me and tries to talk like a big man.

H.S.J: Hey what do you want edgelord?

Y/n: You have something I want.

The bunny girl gets a bit nervous and scared. While the jock puts on a cocky smile and continues to be a dumbass.

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