CH10. A Much Needed Confession

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Ruby had told me that she wanted the truth about who I am and what I am. Well to be honest, I'm glad it's her. The only other person I would tell this would probably be Pyrra, after all she has figured out that I'm weird.

I shrug and walk over to my desk to pick up my scroll. I messaged Ruby that I wanted to meet and that it was important. Within seconds there was knocking on the door. I let out a light chuckle and open the door to see a mildly distressed Ruby.



Y/n: Calm down Ruby, I simply owe you an explanation.

Her demeanor changed quickly, she was now serious and would be slightly intimidating if not for her hight.

Ruby: Okay... Can I come in?

I nod and step away from the doorway and take a seat on a desk facing her. She sits on a bed and waits patiently.

Y/n: Let's start simply, with where I'm from.

Ruby nodded slightly and I started with the origin of Lothric.

Y/n: Well to start off, I'm not from this world.

She didn't even flinch at this, she knew. Clever girl.

Y/n: It was a bitter and unbelievably painful world. The humans were tormented by the ancient dragons and without a way to fight back, we were rapidly facing extinction. That was until one day, when powerful fire erupted from the Earth. Few managed to claim this fire for their own. These people were the first Lords of Cinder.

I paused for a moment to make sure that she was listening. She met my eyes and nodded for me to proceed.

Y/n: They used this power to vanquish the ancient dragons and built kingdoms. Gwyn, practically the only lord worth mentioning, created Lothric. Well one would assume that that was the end of the tale, however, the world was still cold and unforgiving. In order for light to exist, the fire must be kept alive, and that required powerful beings to sacrifice themselves to the flame by linking it.

Ruby looked quite interested but still had a look of concern.

Y/n: The family of Lothric was determined to find the perfect person to link the flame, and that happened to be the youngest prince of Lothric. His name, ironically, was Lothric. They expected him to link the fire, despite his crippled body. However, he was taught by a specific group of scholars, ones that taught him to reject the fire linking ritual.

Ruby gasped when she realized what was going to come next.

Y/n: Doing as he was taught, he refused to link the fire. And with the support of his older brother Lorian. No one could oppose them. Meaning that people had to find other warriors to link the fire. They had an idea that was quite smart, but just as unholy. They resurrected four past Lords of Cinder, expecting them to go back to link the fire. But there was a secret that only they knew about the ritual, and that was the unimaginable pain of being burnt for eternity. The fire linking had been their biggest regret and damnation. Of course they rejected the ritual as well. Leaving the kingdom in great despair.

Ruby hesitated but asked a lingering question in her mind.

Ruby: If the world ended... how are you here?

Y/n: The world didn't end, and as for your question, I'm getting there.

She nodded once more.

Y/n: There was a small sliver of hope though. The Unkindled. These where the underdogs, if you could even call them that. Beings that failed to link the fire in their past life, and were burnt to a crisp because of their failure. Although they look human, they are nothing more than sentient ash. They had a single goal, kill the lords and do what they couldn't before, link the flame. That's where yours truly comes in.

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