CH4. Time to Raise Hell

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I wake up the next morning to the sound of yelling. Turns out it's a girl waking everyone up, I appreciate it but for the love of fuck be a bit less loud in the morning.

Glynda walks in and announces that the initiation will take place at the cliff of Beacon next to the forest. A bit bizarre but you've seen Jojo so you can handle it.

You see everyone walking to the locker rooms to get their gear. Heh, peasants, imagine not being fire Jesus, couldn't be me.

(Timeskip to cliff)

Ozpin: Hello y/n. What are you doing here? Everyone is at the lockers at the moment.

On cue, your cloths begin glowing with embers and soon burst into fire. As usual the fire goes out and reveals you fully equipped.

Y/n: I'm combat ready at all times.

Ozpin: Well that is impressive. May I ask how you do that?

Y/n: It's a benefit of being a fellow immortal, Ozpin.

His eyes widen but soon they return to normal as he grows serious.

Ozpin: May I ask how you know about that? And what you mean by 'Fellow immortal'?

Y/n: Doesn't matter, but if I can may I request something?

Ozpin: Sounds more like blackmail than a request.

Y/n: No it's simply a preference.

Ozpin: Proceed.

Y/n: Can I be on a solo team?

Ozpin: You may have a separate dorm, however 4 man teams have been a tradition for years. I cannot simply bend it.

Y/n: A single dorm it is.

'Ask for more than what you want so that you get what you need.'

The students begin crowding near the cliff. Ruby and Yang stand on the pads to my left. I was gonna talk to them but Ozpin began speaking.

Ozpin: It is very important that you find a team that you can cooperate and work well with.

Ozpin: That being said, the first people that you make eye contact with will be your teammates for the next 4 years.

Ruby: WHAT?!

Y/n: Shit.

Ozpin: Once you have found your teammates you must find and secure the relics in the forest.

Jaune: How do we get to the forest?

Ozpin: You will be launched

Jaune grew incredibly nervous.

Jaune: And what's the landing strategy.

Multiple students began launching.

Ozpin: Figure it out on the way there.

And with that I was launched away into a forest. It's quite a nice view, now how am I gonna land? Villain would be badass but a more vigilante style landing would be more tactical.

Fuck it I wanna be a badass.

I raise my sword and ready it right underneath me. Once I land this should cause a massive explosion. Well we will find out in five, four, three, two, and one.


Ruby POV:

'Thats definitely y/n. There isn't a single man on this planet that would land with the sole purpose of making an explosion.'

Y/n POV:

Aww Ruby thought about me, I feel special. I look up and see the massive scorched earth clearing around me. However Grimm began pouring into the clearing to see the cause of commotion, they see me in the middle standing with my coiled flame sword.

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now