CH21. That's Personal

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Oobleck had wanted to secure the perimeter with Ruby after we set up camp. Yeah right like I'm letting that happen.

I stay with the two and the rest of the girls headed off to make camp.

Oobleck: Are you not going with the others?

Y/n: I stay with Ruby.

Ruby: Y/n!

I give her a pat on the back.

Y/n: Is there a problem, doctor?

Me and him locked eyes for a moment.

Oobleck: I don't see why not! We will be covering ground around the area for any packs of Grimm.

Ruby: Aye aye captain!

We all walked for a few minutes, nothing was living because of how much hunting we had done today. After a while we stopped at an opening in the abandoned city's walls.

In the distance, there was a pack of elephant Grimm. They appeared to be migrating.

Ruby: Woah, what are those?!

Oobleck felt the need to impersonate Captain Obvious.

Oobleck: That me dear Ruby, is a Grimm.

Y/n: Wow doc, should've gotten a PhD in analysis with those expert eyes of yours.

He hit my head with his crack flask.

Ruby brandished her scythe and raised it at the distant elephants.

Ruby: Let's kill em.

Oobleck: No Ruby, these Grimm are so powerful, so superior to the Grimm you've fought, that they've undoubtedly lived for hundreds of years. And I'm that time, they've learned. Learned that what we lack in strength, we make up for in will.

Y/n: Heh, speak for yourself.

They both shit a glare at me. Until Ruby's eyes lit up in realization.

Ruby: Does he-

Oobleck: Know that Y/n is a sentient pile of ash that can kill God? Yes.

Ruby: When did this happen?!

Y/n: Oz filled him in.


I sighed and patted her on the back.

Y/n: A majority of the staff, Ironwood, and Neo all know about me.

Oobleck eyes me wearily.

Oobleck: As in the wanted criminal?

Y/n: I'll let that slide because you don't know, but Neo is my sister.

He was mildly surprised, but not as much as team rwby was.

Oobleck: Well, if she stops being a criminal, I could always put in a word for her to be team embr's second member.

Y/n: You are the best.

Oobleck grinned and tapped me with his thermoflask.

Oobleck: PhD in fun, remember?

I smirked and hit him back.

Y/n: PhD in fun...

Oobleck's mood returned to normal and he stiffened his back.

Oobleck: We should be going now!

We walked off in the direction of camp. I wonder if the rest of them have managed to burn down an already ruined building? Sounds like something Yang would do.

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