CH39. On The Other End

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Siegeward's POV:

I swear on every single spec of ash in my body, that I will find Gwyn and behead him in front of his daughters corpse.

On a further note, I've been summoned back to the Firelink. I don't know why I am being called here, but if it has anything to do with Y/n, then I'll go.

I was currently traveling to that very place now. The undead cemetery is a rather unsettling place to be. Every person is a coffin here is either a to be Unkinked, or an even deader Unkindled.

???: It's Y/n, isn't it?

I turned over to see one of my companions that Y/n introduced me to long ago. Her gaze was filled with fiery determination and she carried herself with a will of titanite.

Anri of Astora.

Siegeward: Yes, it is. I haven't been able to stop thinking about his disappearance.

Anri: He's likely in the painted world, I doubt that anything in Lothric can fell Y/n.

Siegeward: Probably, I still can't shake the feeling that he's here in this world, but at the same time, isn't.

Anri: Clear your head, Siegeward. You're probably shaken by the announcement of Gwyn's revival.

Siegeward: Of course, the whole realm has been shaken by that tyrant being revived.

Anri: The better question is how. All Lothric has done is announce that he will be back, not that he is. I'm more concerned by the things that they will do to revive that monster.

Siegeward: It must be a great sacrifice, only price Lothric can perform such magic, and we already know that he is a comrade of Y/n.

Anri: That only worsens the situation. It means that they need to do something diabolical to revive Gwyn.

Siegeward: Then we know why we've been summoned.

We cleared the hills of the graveyard and proceeded through the ruins, where Ludex Gundyr waited. We stopped and sheathed our blades, readying for a fight.

He stepped forward and readied his large halbeard, before quickly stabbing it into the ground and stared at us.

Gundyr: State your business in Firelink.

We were hesitant, after all, passive interaction didn't exist between us Unkindled and a big shot like Gundyr. We put our weapons away and as he had ordered, stated our business.

Siegeward: We were summoned to the Firelink Shrine. We don't know who summoned us, or why we are here.

Gundyr slowly nodded and grabbed his halbeard by the handle, slowly raising it from the ground and swinging it into a combat ready position.

Gundyr: I cannot allow you entry without reason.

We didn't have time to draw our weapons, and before we knew it, he lunged at us and swung his Halbeard downward. I jumped in front of Anri and braced for impact, but it never came.

All I heard was a clanking of weapons.

???: A halbeard ay? Make up your mind you prick. Just a little advice,

I looked up and saw a shadow of a man guarding me and Anri. He readied his weapon while keeping his greatshield up.

???: Spears are way better!

He plunged his spear deep into the heart of the guardian. It returned the favor by backing off and clutching it's wound.

The shadow above me was surrounded by light and I stood up in defensive position.

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