CH33. The Fall of Beacon

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The chaos was incomparable. Screams of pain, fear, and some loss. The fall started quickly and ended just as quick.

Me and Ruby met up with everyone at the outskirts of the collisuim. The students were with Ironwood and were killing Grimm that had been attacking the bullheads.

Ironwood: Y/n!

Y/n: How bad?

He didn't reply, merely pointed over the edge of the arena. I walked over and was shocked at what I saw.

The Grimm were everywhere. The city, Beacon, even the Atleasian military that was in the sky was taken over, they were all being attacked.

Y/n: Where can I help the most?

Ironwood: You can-

Y/n: I'm not waiting damnit!

He met my eyes and saw the fury in them. The city I cared the most for was being burnt and invaded. Memories were being turned to ash.

The library I met Blake...

The dust shop me and Ruby saved...

Neo's favorite ice cream place...

I gasped at the realization.

Y/n: Neo!

Ironwood: I understand your concern for her, but our focus needs to be securing Vale!

I glared at the landscape from above, wondering where my sister is.

Y/n: Fine.

Ruby: I could go and infiltrate a ship.

Y/n: No, you and the students secure Beacon. I could handle the bigger Gri-

I was cut off by an ear piercing screech. We all looked to our left and saw a massive Dragon Grimm.

I summoned my sword and armor.

Y/n: Or that.

Yang: You're gonna fight that?!

Y/n: Who else will?

She wanted to argue, but realized that I was infact the only one that could kill it.

I looked at the distressed general.

Y/n: Get to Vale by bullhead, make sure you drop the kids off at Beacon.

I gave them less mind and jumped off the edge of the collisuim. I used pyromancy and blasted myself towards the Dragon that was heading for Beacon.


I landed directly at the base of the tower and waited for the Dragon, it took a detour and looped around the mountains, but that simply gave me prep time.

Until I saw the bitch.

Y/n: Cinder.

She came out of the shadows and faced me.

Cinder: I figured it wouldn't be that easy.

Y/n: Fuck off, my concern is the dragon, but if you want to have your throat slit I'll oblige.

She had no hesitation and ran into the building. As she left I heard the same ear piercing screech and I ran in the direction of the dragon.

After a minute, I was there infront of it. It was somewhat intelligent, because it stopped and looked at me. Almost as if it was sizing me up.

Y/n: Salem, sorry for ruining your science project.

I raised my sword and dashed at the creature. It slammed down next to me and tried to end me with a swift bite.

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now