Trailer2. Shadow of Schnee

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There was a man. He was dressed in a finely tailored white suit. To his right were his four children and wife. They were all sitting for a photo.

Lovely, isn't it?

Jacques: You whore!

A loud thrashing was heard in the room over.

Willow: You casted me out! What was I to do for the year?

The arguing was nonstop. The children were together, all huddled in bed, praying that they would stop and they could have their parents back.

Whitley: Winter...? I'm scared.

I was barely nine, Weiss was turning nine in a month. Winter was the oldest, she was sixteen, and poor Whitley was just six.

Winter: It's fine Whitley, it'll be over soon...

But it never stopped.

3rd POV:

There were two people. One was an archer, clad in a dark long coat. The back had a fractured snowflake, each one was in four pieces.

On his left was a girl, she had a rapier with a dust cylinder. She was dressed in a snow white combat skirt and a classy top. The collar of the top had the same fractured snowflake.

They had been walking in the streets of Mistral, they much preferred the city block theme than the snobby atmosphere of Atlas.

The boy got a message on his scroll, he took it out of his coat pocket and read the text.

Archer: Winter wants us to do some extra training for the weekend. Let's get going early so she doesn't kill us.

Dualist: Yeah sure, just as long as father isn't there.

They turned a corner on an alley and headed back towards the bullheads. Little did they know, they had caught the attention of some people.

Six street thugs walked out, each from a gang rivaling their families business. The one to speak up had a katana strapped to his hip, the others were just goons.

Katana: Hey Schnee! We got some problems with your family that you are gonna help us solve.

The archer turned, his lack of fucks to give only amplified by his unimpressed expression.

Archer: If you think that I care about blood on my coat you got some shit coming for you.

The dualist rolled her eyes and took a step back.

Dualist: I'll burn the body's...

The goons faltered and sweat dropped at this. The first kept his tough guy attitude and pushed it.

Katana: Like I'm afraid of some white trash!

He drew his sword and the blade caught in fire. He looked like a cheaper version of a certain champion of ash...

Archer: Oh fire, that's so original.

The katana guy wasn't having it and jumped at the archer. He jumped back and reached into his coat, pulling out a thin stick with a button on the bottom.

Katana: Like that's gonna-

He clicked the button and it grew into a bow of solid ice. He had no quiver, for his semblance completely covered  the ammunition requirement.

His hand glowed a shade of purple and an icicle manifested on the string.
He had no hesitation and shot the man dead in the knee.

Y/n: The Branwen send their regards.

The put another icicle in his chest, shattering his aura and killing the man.

The silence that followed was jaw dropping, almost like these street thugs hadn't been expecting a Schnee to be bout that life.

The others tried to run, but a wall of ice appeared at the exit of all the alleys.

They panicked and sheathed their weapons, all were simple guns with the occasional dust mag.

He stepped back and set the bow in a horizontal stance. He immediately knocked five icicle arrows and much like Pharis, shot all five and they hit each remaining goon.

They all died on the spot, the icicles had properties that did additional damage to aura.

He turned his bow back into a stick and tucked it away in his coat. The dualist walked forward just as she said she would, and ridded the bodies by burning them.

Archer: Let's go, Winters probably waiting.

Dualist: Think Whitley baked some cinnamon rolls?

Archer: I sure fucking hope.

They shared a short laugh and continued to the bullheads.


The two stepped into the warehouse and rid themselves of all the unnecessary things they wore to try and blend with the crowd. Aside for the archer's coat, of course, drip stays on.

Winter: Why are you both late?

The two turned and the light showed their faces.

Y/n: Chill out Winter, the usual.

She sighed and threw him a water bottle.

Winter: I seriously don't like that you've become the Schnee's personal Boogeyman.

Weiss: Hey, I'm at least half a Boogeyman!

The boy let out a laugh and tossed her towards a training dummy.

Y/n: Let's see it then.

She sighed and started training, he turned on the TV and watched the news.

Reporter: Another mass murder in the alleys of Mistral! Who this killer is and what their agenda is, we don't know. But the ice that is left behind has given them quite a name.

The Archer sighed and readied himself for the cringe ass name the public picked for him.

Reporter: People have been saying to fear the Fractured Flake.

'Thats not half bad actually...'

YO. New trailer. I got some info for y'all.

Y/n is the product of an affair by Willow and some random guy. He is outcasted by his father and his mother leaves the family out of disgrace.

Y/n had a very important job however, he was the personal assassin of the Schnee. He worked in the shadows and got rid of public enemies.

That was a compromise set by his father sense he couldn't be much use for publicity. So he was simply kept outside all the performances and shit

However, he is also apart of a tribe branch that needed a hand in Atlas.

That's right! Y/n is an honorary Branwen!

Aside from that, it doesn't really matter, the rest will be explained.

Also if you thought that DS3 Y/n was bad, then this mf is a menace!

I decided that it would be nice to emphasize that he is the Schnee's opposite as opposed to his family.

So this man is walking with Black Air Forces on deck.

Farewell my friends!

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