Not a Chapter

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So I've seen a lot of people in either this fanfic or others wondering how to make some good stories. I'm proud of mine, I think it's nice.

But here's what you gotta do...

1. Get a grip of your own book.

Settle on a theme or writing style. Having an open mind for writing is fine but don't make chapters without a solid plan for the story.

2. Feedback

Getting to hear feedback from your audience is an amazing way of seeing where you are and what you should do.

I personally like to do polls to get feedback, some are jokes while some are major events. Don't lose sight of who the author is though. This is your story, and if some random douche doesn't like it then fuck him.

3. Are you proud of your work?

When you are reading, you can tell who is a committed writer and who isn't. A half ass writer will add basic storyline with near to no extra dialogue. If you want an interesting story, it can't be a re-write of the show.

4. Can you enjoy your book?

Don't wait for others to correct you, correct yourself. Re-read your chapters and perfect your script. I've already edited my early chapters a good 4 times. Either for setting details or spelling errors.

Another huge part is reading it in general. If you can't enjoy your own ideas, then how is your audience going to enjoy it? Getting that readers perspective on the story is a big difference.

Good luck fellow writers! I expect to see your bitch ass on the top charts!
May the sun shine upon your chapters!

- MehFuckIt

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now