CH29. The Battle Angel Joins

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I had to skip out on team RWBY's duos match because of a meeting with Oz. He has discussed a plan with them and Ironwood has been secretly sending more paladins to Vale.

Glynda, the world's sexiest janitor, will be on damage control in the City. Should any of the walls or natural defenses be breached, she'll be there to patch the holes.

Qrow will be the city's guardian. He will use his good speed and tracking to help any and all injured people to evacuation zones or mobile hospitals.

I will be on watch of the students. Sense I am going to be at the collisuim grounds, I will be able to guard them incase of an assassination on the students.

Ozpin hasn't told us his job, but he will in a few minutes. We are all meeting in his tower to meet the newest member of this inner circle of protectors.

Also, we have Port and Oobleck, who will be primarily focused on monitoring the arena should there be an invasion of flying Grimm.

Damn we good at this shit. We should make plans more often.

I made it to the elevator to Ozpin's office. I would have been exited to meet the new member, up until I saw who was there at the elevator waiting.

I walked up and saw Pyrra waiting at the elevator.

Oh God no... Not her...

She isn't ready...

She saw me and flashed a smile, which immediately dispersed as she saw my facial expression.

I could only describe it as despair. I trust Pyrra's abilities and her will, but she simply isn't ready to be in the circle. Salem has a maiden... How could she fight that...?

She looked a bit stunned. Her surprise wasn't unexpected, I usually kept my cool... Up until someone's life is at risk.

Pyrra: Y/n...? Why are you here... And what's wrong?

I wanted to tell her to turn back, I wanted to grab her and pull her away from this mess. But I couldn't, I trusted Ozpin... He must have a reason for her to be here...

I quickly changed my mood and gave her a cheerful grin.

Y/n: Sorry Pyrra, just lost in thought. Oh and I was called here.

She was going to pry further, but was robbed of the opportunity as the elevator opened.

Y/n: I'm here for the same reason, Oz called me up.

She dismissed her thoughts and walked in with me.

Pyrra: Of course, just a bit shaken after the duos round.

Y/n: Makes sense, just make sure you don't explode on someone.

Pyrra: That's your thing, not mine.

I chuckled and the elevator door opened. We walked in and Ozpin was sitting in his desk as he always was. Qrow was leaning on a pillar enjoying a swig of his flask.

'What are you planning Oz?

Ozpin: Ms.Nikos. I take it that you have been enjoying the festival?

Pyrra: Yes, but I couldn't have gotten this far without my team.

The shady bird stepped in to shit talk, as any drunkard would.

Qrow: Actually, I think it's the other way around.

She gave him a slight glare before retorting.

Pyrra: And who might you be?

Y/n: A good drinker and someone you don't need to care about at the moment.

Qrow: Hey, That's only half true!

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