CH15. Same Spark, Different Flame

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I had just left Ozpin's office and now headed to the library. Ruby had messaged me about them playing a board game and they would like me to join. Meh, why not, Neo probably is out robbing shit with Roman.

I feel a pair of hands wrap around my lower back.

'Or she's right fucking here.'

Y/n: Hello Neo.

She let go of me to move into my line of sight and began signing.

Neo: How'd you know?

Y/n: You are the shortest person I know. That and Ruby is the closest to me and not even she does that.

I tick mark grew on her head.

Neo: So Ruby is the closest person to you...?

Y/n:*sigh* Aside from you, Neo.

Her mood returned to normal and she gave me a light hug.

Neo: That's better! Wanna go out for ice cream some time?

Y/n: I'm a student.

Neo: That can easily woop my bosses ass.

Y/n: I am officially a student.

Neo: So sounds like tonight then?

I smile at her persistence.

Y/n: Pick when and where, I'll be there.

Neo: As much as I'd like to say ice cream, I want our first night out to be special.

Y/n: You sure I'm your brother?

She punched me on the arm.

Neo: Yes you are! It's just that I usually see people with their families at restaurants!

How could I forget...

Y/n: Fine, but don't expect me to wear something nice.

Neo: Just as long as it's not the armor, we're fine.

Y/n: Where then?

She briefly paused to think.

Neo: Deli?

I laughed a bit.

Neo: Hey! What's so funny?

Y/n: Nothing, just didn't expect you to like sandwiches.

Neo: They taste nice and they are relatively healthy!

Y/n: Whatever Sis. I have to go meet up with my friends now. I'll see you for dinner.

Neo: Bye y/n!

She then shattered into pieces of glass and stopped being there.

Y/n: It's slightly annoying when it's happening to you.

I shrug it off and head to the library.


Ruby: Mhm...alright...alright!

Team rwby was playing a board game. From what I've been told, you are playing as the four nations and are trying to take over remnant. Basically Risk: Factions, but RWBY.

(You are an absolute G if you played Risk)

She raised her fist and pointed at Yang.

Ruby: Yang Xiaolong! Prepare your fleet for battle.

Yang: Bring it sis.

Ruby drew a card from her hand.

Ruby: I deploy, The Atleasian Air fleet!

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