CH36. Training Before The Mission

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It took a while for them to process what was happening. I don't necessarily blame them, because I believe that INT 99 is what kept my mind from imploding when I learned.

Honestly that was bullshit. I spent nights, literal nights, researching the history and current events of Remnant. Purely to learn it's just my world without gloomy knights and it's PG.

I hate my life.

Ruby had called team... JNR... Yeah gonna take a bit to get used to that...


I let out my frustrations on the wall in the form of a punch. Ruby, being an empath, sensed distress.

Ruby: Which traumatic event this month?

I smirked and flopped onto bed next to her.

Y/n: Pyrra.

Ruby: I'm gonna be honest Y/n, I don't know how to comfort people in this situation.

I let out a small chuckle and wrapped my arms around her.

Y/n: It's fine, you're already helping.

She hugged back and we simply laid there for a while. Nothing to trouble us, no bullshit plot thing that would interrupt, just a couple enjoying their time together.

Yeah this is nice.


We were still laying down. I believe that Ruby had fallen asleep, I kinda just stared at the wall very intently.
Damn that drywall looking kinda dry ngl.

Suddenly, Yang.

Yang: Yo Y/n, I have a new fisting technique-

She walked and saw me and Ruby cuddling. The latter had been waken up by her announcement of fisting.

Ruby: Yang, why....?

She grinned and raised her hand, revealing an Atleasian prosthetic arm. Pretty fresh, but not as drippy as the ability to regrow limbs because of sacred immortal flame.

Y/n: It's good that you don't need a hand from us anymore.

Ruby punched me, Yang simply smirked and pointed her arm at me. I raised an eyebrow before the forearm was launched from the elbow.

I raised my hand and caught the rocket propelled fist and inspected it. It was high quality for Remnant, clearly Atleasian. The material was quite weak by my standards, but then again, my standards are Titanite.

Y/n: Not bad, if I gave this to Andre you could probably be strong enough to give me a run for my money.

Ruby: Who is Andre and can I give him my scythe?!

Y/n: Andre is a blacksmith from my world, he'd love to meet you.

Yang: Okay I'm not gonna listen to the nerd-fest. Give me my arm.

I rolled my eyes and chucked the limo back to Yang, who caught it with her left arm and placed it on her right. She grasped at the air a few times to make sure it worked, then left to do who knows what.

Y/n: Did you call Jaune?

Ruby: Yeah, they'll be here soon, a day at most.

Y/n: Good, we need some practice.

She grinned at me and used her semblance to dash all the way to the front yard, leaving nothing but rose petals in her wake.

I smirked and walked out the door, summoning my sword as I did so. It glowed with it's usual embered orange, but it had brief streaks of black. Much like he onyx flame of the painted world.

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