Trailer3. Now You See Me

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Beacon academy was a place of heroism, a symbol of hope, and gives the world many huntsmen each year to protect the people from Grimm.

On this fine day, the Headmaster was speaking to one of the faculty members.

Ozpin: Yes Glynda?

Goodwitch: Well, I have a few concerns about one of the students transcripts.

He turned from his spinny chair and faced her, hot cocoa in hand.

Ozpin: Which and why?

Goodwitch: Y/n L/n, sir. Based off his transcripts, we have found that he is a rather... unorthodox fighter.

Ozpin: Oh yes, I know about Mr.L/n and I have spoken to him before. I don't see the problem?

Goodwitch: It's his weapon, sir.


Here we see a train in passing through the forest of forever fall. On the very outskirts in somewhat of a canyon nudged between the mountains.

This train had been carrying insanely valuable items. Dust, riches, equipment, and Atleasian tech.

There were two parties raiding this train. One was for a revolutionary organization revolving around the Faunas.

The other party was working for a much smaller group of people, but they needed to survive, and boy were they good at surviving...

A boy dashed onto the front of the train and crouched at the top hatch. He put his hand into his ear and spoke into the microphone.

Y/n: I'm in position, did the Branwen say why they needed this shit?

???: We are hired thieves and killers, Y/n. We get the job done and take our pay.

Y/n: Jeez, wonder who shoved that stick so far up your ass.

They microphone cut off, signaling that the boy was on his own and that his friend had no need to aid him.

He sighed and disappeared into thin air.

He reappeared directly in the trains storage room. He found what he was looking for, namely the loot, and began mentally preparing himself for the following pain.

Y/n: I hate warping...

He raised his hand and sent every once of valuables to HQ. He clutched his head and groaned in pain. After a moment he regained his composure and reached for his head peace.

Y/n: Package secured, moving out n-

He was interrupted by an explosion coming from the back of the train. He again turned on his head peace and mumbled into it.

Y/n: Potential hostiles found, do I proceed or engage?

???: Engage, we don't won't information of what we are doing to reach a third party.

With a strained sigh, he teleported his combat gear to him and rushed to the back of the train.

It was simple yet fashionable. A clean white and red combat jacket with multiple inside pockets with additional string. He had a flexible and smooth pair of jeans.

He bore no visible weapon, only metal gloves with what appeared to be threads to lay down wire. It was all connected to a wire pack slung on his back.

He reached his destination and saw two people fighting a small army of Atleasian knights. He teleported all around the battlefield in a stealthy fashion, swiftly laying down wire to rip them all to shreds in seconds.

Once his trap was laid, he revealed himself to the two.

They were White Fang members, or at least one was. He bore one of their grim mask and a suit, along with a red katana.

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