CH2. Helping Red Gank a Ginger!

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I woke up after a long night of history lessons. It wasn't hard to to commit the information to memory though, due to my maxed intelligence. I get dressed and walk out into the streets.

From what I have gathered I am on a remote world called Remnant. The humans live in 'peace' with a half animal breed known as faunas'. There are also soulless creatures known as Grimm that are basically black demon animals with skulls on their heads. Their are soldiers to face the Grimm officially, these people are huntsman. Most people have a unique power known as a semblance. Another thing is that this worlds tech is so advanced anything can be a gun. These weapons also can have a unique power source known as dust, otherwise known as elemental cocaine.

I guess I should get something that blends in a bit more since fashion is a bit wacky in this world. I look to my right as I'm walking and see a store titled "Dust Till Dawn". You shrug and walk into the store and look around at the various clothing and element coke.

I finally pick out a nice set of clothes and walk over to check out.

Y/n: This will be all for today.

The cashier nods and starts scanning the items.

Cashier: That will be 127 li-

Suddenly a handful of robbers barge in and yell for us to get on the ground. An idiot would get cocky and rush the criminals and most likely get riddled with bullets, and seeing that I have no armor on, I happily comply and get on the ground. I will wait till they turn their ba-

Is that a fucking scythe?

One of the robbers is dropped in a flurry of slashes and rose petals. Seeing my opportunity, I decide that this would be a good time to fight. Embers begin growing into fire around me, turning my cloths into my gear and sword.

I slash at 2 that are next to each other and they both fall to the ground with a slash across their chest. I look at the bodies and see the wounds healing. Right this is something called "aura". It's basically a regeneration and shield thing that is tied to ones soul. It prevents certain death.

I look to my right and get a full view of the scythe user. She is small, around 5 foot, wearing a red cloak, and has silver eyes along with black hair with streaks of red. I recognize her as the warrior from my vision.

We lock eyes and give each other a nod. She dashes right and I roll left to attack the next few robbers. Yeah aura is strong but it obviously can't stand a literal god killing weapon. They fall and pass out in one hit. Red was doing fine and made quick work of the 3 guards in front of her.

I take a breath and look around at the robbers on the ground. 10 bodies. But weren't there a dozen robbers? I turn and look at the exit to see the last two running with a crate of dust,in front of them was a bullhead with a ginger guarding the entrance.

The robbers make it in and they begin to take off, not before the man took one look behind him and raised his cane. What the fuck is that gon-

Oh shit it's a rocket launcher.


I raise my sword to try and cut the rocket in half, but it changes direction and begins heading for Red. I let out a frustrated growl and will my sword to grow a few feet, giving me enough reach to lunge over to red and cut the rocket into pieces, however my swords fire lighted the gunpowder in the rocket, causing a small explosion of smoke and heat.

I raise my sword and slash down, clearing the dust in the air. I look up to see the bullhead taking off and the ginger waving at the both of us with a shit eating grin on his face.

Shiteating Ginger: Farewell Red and Black!

That's mildly racist, my armor is black and orange.

Y/n: Shut up you massive cunt!

With the ship leaving already I sigh and my sword shrinks back into a straight sword. I turn around and see Red looking at me with stars in her eyes


My eyes widen and I gasp at the fellow weapon fanatic before me. Time to be a fucking nerd.


Our eyes wide and our faces give off massive smile.


Our lovely nerd time is interrupted by a big purple bubble forming around us. We turn to see a blonde woman with a riding crop in her hand.

???: I would like you both to come with me.

(Timeskip with you and ruby comparing your badass weapons)

We are currently in an empty room with a table and two seats. Me and Red take a seat next to each other. After a few minutes a old man with a pin cane walks in. I immediately recognize him as the immortal fighting the pale bitch.

Old man: Ruby Rose, you have sliver eyes.

Y/n: back off pedo shes not that old yet.

Ruby: Hey I don't now what that means but I'm probably old enough! I drink milk!

Old man: That wasn't what I was referring to but moving on. How did a girl like you learn to use one of the deadliest weapons in the realm?

Ruby: I was taught by my uncle at signal.

Old man: That must be some uncle. The only man I know that uses a scythe is a dusty old crow.

Ruby's eyes lit up as she heard this.

Ruby: That's my uncle Qrow! He taught me to use a scythe! I used to be really bad but then he came in and now I'm all HYEYAH HWAH

She said the last part with ninja chop hand motions.

Old man: Well do you know who I am?

Y/n: Someone that struggles to get it up in bed.

The old man grows a tick mark on his head but keeps the smile on.

Ruby: You are headmaster Ozpin of Beacon academy.

Ozpin: Would you like to attend my school? I'd be insane to pass up talent like yours.

Y/n: (mind) Bullshit it's the eyes and you know it.


You chuckle at her antics and give a light grin. God it's like anri decided to snort crack and have a suger rush at the same time.

Ozpin: Excellent. And who might you be? You have insane skills from what I saw on the security camera.

Y/n: y/n l/n, pleasure to be your Displeasure.

Ozpin: Well would you like to enroll aswell? Of course you'd have to remove that helmet though so I know what you look like.

You sigh and put your hands on your helmet and remove it manually. You could've just unequipped the helmet, but you've grown to see that manually removing it is more respectful.

Y/n: Sure I'm down to go to the school. Who is the blonde lady though?

???: I am professor Glynda Goodwitch. I am a teacher at Beacon academy.

Y/n: God I can't imagine the pain of the amount of last name jokes you get.

She let out a pained sigh

Glynda: You have no idea...

After the ordeal was over I leave and say goodbye to Ruby. Apparently the school year starts in a week, guess I could get more accustomed to this world in the meantime.

(Timeskip of y/n and Ruby sparring each other.)

I lay in my bed and get prepared for the eventful year that lies ahead of me.


Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now