*Filler CH28: The Embered Lord vs The Darkened Hunter

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Today was a big day.

Duos, singles, possible murder, and a 90% chance of absolute invasion. Lovely weather forecast if I do say so myself.

I walked into the lockers for preparation. I was against... Who am I fighting again? Eh, doesn't matter, as long as they can fight I don't give a damn.

I waited patiently in the lockers. I wonder if I will find anymore people from my world? That Solaire guy said that I was the first he had met, so it's unlikely.

I heard the door open and I turn my gaze to see basically everyone. JNPR, RWBY, and Neo.

Y/n: That's one hell of a hype team.

The first to speak was the yellow one.

Yang: Seriously I can't stand how casually you treat this tournament.

Y/n: I can't stand your bipolarity about mine and Ruby's relationship.

Yang: Touche.

The Spartan actually wanted to encourage me, unlike the others that were there fore plot convince.

Pyrra: I know it's unnecessary, but good luck in your battle.

Y/n: Thank you.

Nora: Break some legs!

I chuckle and raise me sword to salute.

Y/n: Fuck yeah I will!

She was satisfied with this answer, as opposed to everyone who sweat dropped at the realization that I was serious.

Ruby: What sword are you gonna use?

Y/n: I take recommendations.

Pyrra raised her hand.

Y/n: Fuck of spears are boring!

Pyrra glared and lowered her hand.

Weiss: You haven't used the rapier in a while.

I pondered this. It was true, the last time I had wielded a rapier in battle was to annoy Yang.

Y/n: Yeah that's true... I guess it's settled then.

Ruby had a sudden idea and started bouncing around.

Y/n: I have not mastered the coiled scythe yet.

She stopped bouncing and looked at me with a disappointed face.

Y/n: It may seem shocking, but willing a sword to grow is hard. Let alone changing it's hilt, blade, and curve at the same time!

She was still mildly annoyed, but nodded considerably.

Ruby: Yeah that makes sense...

We had started talking again for a bit, but it was cut short by the matches time.

Port: Would both contestants please report to the arena grounds?

I stood up and gave the group a respectful nod. They all cheered and clapped as I walked out.

Their cheers however, where drowned out by the thousands in the stand. The people must have been exited after my match with Solaire.

I looked across and saw a young man clad in a black coat. He looked rather composed and had two beautiful swords slung on his back. One being a clean dark purple with a refined edge, the other being an icy blue with a frozen rose on its hilt.

Y/n: Wonderful swords my friend!

He looked at the Coiled sword and my armor. He was sizing me up, but was damn good at hiding it.

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now