CH17. A Fiery Flower

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The dance is coming up and I've never been more pissed at the timing. I have just shown Ruby my soft side, Blake is being extra edgy, and Pyrra hasn't asked out Jaune yet.

I woke up and saw Neo sleeping on the couch. She must have been tired from yesterday, at least she wasn't in the room when... y'know...

I stood up and worked on a simple breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and waffles.

First is the waffle batter, I grabbed the ingredients and began mixing. Then when I finished I put it in a waffle iron and began cooking the bacon.

Always cook the bacon first, it releases grease naturally and will give extra flavor to the eggs. Let them cook for about a full 2 minutes on high heat and they ar-

My mental guide on making a good breakfast was interrupted by a par of arms being wrapped around me. I turn and around and she begins signing.

Neo: Are you monologuing about breakfast in your head again?

Y/n: Shut up, it's a habit.

Neo: Whatever, as long as the foods good. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be out in a bit.

I nodded and she walked into the restroom.

Well now I don't feel like monologuing, damn. Well I can plan on how to talk to Ruby again. Actually it's probably not a big deal. She'll understand, right?

'But what if she doesn't?'


'Damn who shat in your cereal?'

'Do we even have cereal in our world?'

'Yes, and I did unforgivable things with the gods to learn to make it.'

'Your sacrifice will be remembered for years to come, soldier.'

I set the table with the amazing breakfast and looked at my scroll.


Damn, I gotta get to class. I leave a note for Neo and go make sure team rwby is up. I should probably go get jnpr to... Nah Pyrra got it.

I walk out and knock on the door of their dorm. After a few seconds the door opens and reveals a very tired Yang.

Yang: Hello?

Y/n: Class starts in 15. Get ready quickly.

She turned around to look at the clock in her dorm. Her eyes suddenly widen and she starts yelling for her teammates to get up. Me and Ruby make eye contact and she immediately looks down.

Fuck I messed up.

I walk out and begin pacing Infront of the door.



Oh right we trust each other.

I let out a sigh of relief and immediately begin panicking again.



The door of team jnpr opens and I'm greeted by Pyrra.

Pyrra: Y/n?


She looks taken aback by my sudden distress.

Pyrra: Would you like to talk about it...?

I sigh and start walking to Ports class.

Y/n: If you feel like walking with me then sure.

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