CH16. Oh Boy, The Gingers Pissed

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Welp that happened.

I took Neo out to dinner, which honestly wasn't all that bad, but I think that telling her was... hard to describe.


Y/n: (Explains)

Neo: You can kill gods for fun... BUT YOU CANT MAKE MY VOCAL CORDS WORK?!

Y/n: I'm a Knight! I know basic healing and magic! What the fuck am I gonna do?! Sprinkle some holy light on your throat?!




She dramatically breaks down crying and I do to for some reason.

Y/n: I miss home!

Neo: I miss ice cream!

(Flashback End)

Y/n: Could've been worse...

Yang: Fuck are you mumbling about?

Oh right we are about to investigate Roman and the White Fang.

Y/n: Sister problems.

Yang: You and Pyrra fight again?

Y/n: No my actual sister.

She looked at me like I had told her the secrets of the universe.

Yang: What?

Y/n: Is it that surprising that I have a relative?

Ruby came out of the restroom fully clothed in her new gear.

Ruby: Not his actual sister, Yang. Shes adopted.

Yang: He has parents?!

Y/n: Nope. I adopted her.

Yang: When did this happen?

Y/n: Give or take a couple weeks.

Ruby: She had been in there for that long?

Y/n: And no one would know if not for your cookie addiction.

She simply shrugged and slung her scythe across her belt.

Ruby: Guilty as charged.

We had been waiting on Blake and Weiss. They had been studying for a coming test and forgot that we were literally going to stop the biggest criminal on Vales wanted list.

After a good ten minutes, they finally showed up.

Y/n: Jeez, you look like shit. Use one of your lives on the way here?

She gave me a glare.

Blake: Rich coming from the guy that almost lost to an umbrella.

Y/n: I was messing around. You know for a fact I could've simply exploded.

Blake: Whatever.

Ruby: Alright that's enough! We have a task at hand! Everyone remember their roles?

Blake: I'm going to a White Fang recruitment operation to gather Intel.

Yang: I have a friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything. Shouldn't be too hard getting the information.

Weiss: I will gather files from the Schnee headquarters. There shouldn't be any problems because of a name.

Y/n: Rich people...

Yang: Amen...

Weiss: Hush!

Ruby: Everyone who is ready to become the youngest people to be Vales vigilantes, say aye!

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