CH18. Fanciest Frat Party

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Last night was... eventful


Yang POV:

Where the fuck is Ruby? She left with Y/n and it's been a few hours. I doubt that she confessed, she's way too awkward...

But Y/n isn't!

What if he confessed? He's bold and cocky, not to mention the joke he made at the cafeteria... Ruby didn't even deny what he said...

I was about to turn in for the night until I heard something very questionable.

Ruby: Oh Y/n~!

Excuse the fuck out of me?

Y/n: POV:

I took the cookies out of the oven and handed a fresh plate to Ruby. She scarfed them down and spoke with her mouth full.

Ruby: *muffled* it tastes sho good!

I chuckled and slid her another plate of cookies.

Y/n: I have a lot of experience.

Then, our mini date was interrupted by her sister. Yang blew open the door and walked in with red eyes.


She saw me and Ruby eating cookies in my dorms small kitchen.

Y/n: Hello Yang?

Her eyes flashed back to normal and she started stutter like an idiot.

Yang: You- She- What- No!

Ruby then ate another set of cookies and spoke to her sister.

Ruby: *muffled* Yang try shome they taste sho good!

I looked at Yang, then to Ruby, then back to Yang. I then listened to the way Ruby was talking and then looked back to Yang.

Y/n: NO!

Yang: But it sounded li-

Y/n: NO!

Yang: Then what were you guys doing bef-

I summoned my sword and pointed it at her.

Y/n: NO!

Yang: Wait let's not-

I got up and slid Ruby another plate to keep her moth shut.

Y/n: Leave!

Yang sighed and turned around.

Yang: Yeah that's fair...

She closed the door and Ruby gulped down the plate of cookies.

Ruby: What was that about.

Y/n: Ruby you know how you always talk with a mouth full?

She eyes me skeptically.

Ruby: Yeah...?

Y/n: Well when you do, and it's just the two of us together, at night in my dorm, it sounds like we are... y'know...

Her eyes widen and she turned the same shade as her cape.

Ruby: I regret reading Blake's books...

Y/n: Pardon?

Ruby: Nothing!

I sighed then looked at the time.

Y/n: You have to get back to your dorm, it's getting late.

Ruby: Can I-

Y/n: Yes you may take a plate to go.

She smiled brightly and grabbed a plate of cookies.

Ruby: Thanks for tonight Y/n, I had a lot of fun!

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now