CH25. This Better Be Important

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Today was the day of team RWBY's and JNPR's matches. I'm confident that they will win. Jaune's is their weakest and he can still fight pretty damn well.

They had left earlier to get ready for their matches. I however, was summoned.

I walked through the halls of Beacon alone. Everyone had left for the Vytal Festival, that includes the teachers.

I fished through my pockets and found a note similar to the one Cinder gave me.

'Speak with me in the emerald forest.
There is someone I would like you to meet'


I appreciated the simplicity in the note. I was half expecting some over the top shit with a dragon Grimm delivering the message.

I walked out of the school and headed to the cliff above the emerald forest.

I wonder what she would want to talk about? I could think of about three...

One, she wants to try and recruit me or at least be on my good side. Even though she had already tried.

Two, she's sent someone to analyze me and size up my combat ability. If it's some insane weirdo that I don't have time to deal with, I'll just kill him.

Three, she wants the di- power. She wants my power. This would probably be someone attempting to steal the coiled sword. Is this happens I'll just will it away.

I had finally walked over to the initiation cliff. I wasn't going to use the spring pads, they make to much noise and I'm 90% sure Oz has a way to find out if they are used.

I jumped into a tree and summoned my sword. After a good minute of sizing the distance, I plunge the sword into the ground and get launched forward by an explosion.

I land in a tree with mild grace.

And by that I mean I made another unnecessary explosion upon landing.

I looked up and saw a massive crowd of Grimm. In the very middle was another one of Salem's octopus messengers.

Wait no there's a classy Alfred looking dude there. Actually no, not Alfred. More like Eggman if he went on a six month diet.

I got to the two and the Grimm closed in a circle around us.

Y/n: Hello Salem. Hello to you to, Alfred.

Alfred: My name is Watts, but I appreciate that you choose Alfred over Eggman. The jokes get old...

The octopus' head morphed into the image of Salem. Similar to that of a crystal ball.

Salem: Hello Y/n. I would like to tell you the true story of Rem-

I cut her off.

Y/n: Just give me the run down. I don't want to miss my girlfriend's match.

Salem rebuttaled with appropriate sass and annoyance.

Salem: Well okay then, just take all the fucking fun out of it.

Y/n: Mhm.

Watts: I harbor no ill intent towards you. You just told off the strongest in Remnant and she didn't even get pissed.

Y/n: Third strongest. I don't know how but apparently on of my kind is a student of Mistral. A nice lad if I do say so myself.

Salem: Can I get a name...?

Y/n: Nope. Even then, he wouldn't join. He's a sun praiser, and you are the leader of darkness. He hates you more than me.

Salem: I'm beginning to see a theme with your kind...

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