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Today is the day. We're leaving with team JNP-




JNR. We are leaving with team JNR to central Mistral. That just happens to be a long ass journey through Anima. Oh, and did I mention that neither Blake or Weiss have contacted us?

Man, the adventure gets better and better. Why not sprinkle in an unnecessarily hard starting boss, just for old times sake?

Ok, sarcasm aside, I'm a bit worried about Weiss. She got taken from us after the Fall in an SDC bullhead, which means that she's in her father's custody.

And Blake?

Fuck Blake.

I can't stand her. I don't even understand her. I'm an Unkindled, we were resurrected to fight the Lords and save the world, or at least preserve it. We are sworn to our fellow Unkindled.

Which is what I don't understand about Blake. She was mistreated as a Faunas and finally found her people, her true people, us. We accepted her and every annoying detail about her.

And she fucking ran.

She saw her ex who was a deranged psychopath, who I killed, mind you. Even under this prospect, she ran. What the hell was she running from?

I decided to push those thoughts aside and got out of bed. It was morning and Tai had just left for groceries. That meant that we had the chance to leave and start the next season of bullshit.

I walked downstairs and saw Neo on the couch. She wasn't doing anything in particular, just sitting down. There was clearly something on her mind, so I sat down with her.

Y/n: What's on your mind?

She shrugged.

Neo: What isn't on my mind? The Fall, this new adventure, and mainly those twats Emerald and Mercury.

Y/n: Revenge already? I can understand that. Just don't let it fuck with you in a fight.

Neo: Please, you know that I'm stronger than everyone here. Except maybe Ruby, I don't want that eye blast thing to happen to me.

Y/n: I'm not all that concerned about it.

Neo: You aren't concerned about a lot of things.

Y/n: True. How's your training with his cane?

She raised the cane that she had now always kept with her. The hat came off sometimes, but she kept the pimp stick with her.

Neo: I've gotten good. I'm trying to get Ruby to teach me that recoil jump thing. I'm not exactly used to guns, well, not this size.

Y/n: Tis what the maiden spoke of.

Neo: No, that is not what she said and stop with the medieval speech.

Y/n: Why? It's fun.

She rolled her eyes, got up from her seat, and walked over to find something for breakfast. I just sat on the couch until Ruby walked in.

Ruby: Alright, I'm ready.

Y/n: Where's Yang?

Suddenly, Yang.

Yang: Right here. You all better be careful.

Oh, that reminds me.

Y/n: Yang, there's something I want you to have.

She raised an eyebrow and I walked over to her. I opened my inventory and pulled out a white stone. She smirked and let out a remark.

Yang: You don't have to buy me jewelry, Y/n~

Y/n: Shut up. It's called a Whitesign Soapstone. When you need my help, and trust me, you will, write my name on the ground with this.

Yang: What does that do?

Y/n: Glad you ask, it summons me as a phantom to your location.

Ruby: What's a phantom.

Y/n: A shadow of me. Actually, more like a clone.

Yang: Wait so say I were to-

Ruby: If you even think about making a move on Y/n's clone, I will behead you.

Y/n: And just like that, fear boner.

Neo: *angry squeak* *cough*

Y/n: Take it easy on the vocals. Saying Yang's name yesterday probably fucked you a bit.

She rolled her eyes and Ruby's lit up with excitement.

Ruby: Oh I can't wait!

Y/n: You should, we have everything but... time...

Wait a second.

Y/n: Excuse me, I need to find a Grimm.

I walked out of the door and summoned my sword. I saw a Beowulf a third mile away and dashed at it.

It growled at me in fear and anger. I walked up to it and grabbed it's head.

Y/n: Salem, if you can hear me, send a Seer. We need to talk about something. We will be heading to Mistral.

The Beowulf had a complete 360 mood change and nodded, backing off as it did so. I took this as a response from the Queen of Grimm and walked away.

Once I got back, everyone was there. Team JNR had made it to the house and had been waiting for me on the couch. I felt a level of unease when I saw Jaune, but I brushed it off. Pyrrha's death was not Jaune's fault.

Y/n: I'm back.

Nora, who I assume found Ruby's stash of sweets, tackled me on the spot.

Nora: HI Y/N!

Y/n: Get the hell of me!

Nora: NEVER!

I sighed and bench pressed the wild Nora off of me. She smirked and stopped with the physical harassment, but the grin told me that it was a temporary truce.

Ren: It's good to see you, Y/n.

Jaune: Yeah, I missed the comfort of having Fire Jesus' help.

I smirked, grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and threw it at Jaune. He unsheathed his sword and blocked it with a simple swipe. He gave me a confident grin.

Jaune: I'm not out of practice.

Y/n: Good. We must leave now.

Yang, who was quite saddened by us leaving, did her best to part ways without wavering. She was an excellent older sister, but couldn't fool me.

Once they had all made it to the front yard, I turned to Yang.

Y/n: Don't hesitate to summon me. Even if it's just some venting, call me as much as you want.

She gave me a grateful smile.

Yang: I'll miss you, Y/n L/n.

Y/n: I'll miss you too, Yang Xiaolong.

And with that, I turned to catch up with the others. This would mark the beginning of many bizarre adventures for us.


This was a short chapter because I'm gonna be using most of my time writing for the Bio Entries.

I want this shit to be detailed, not just some looks and personality type shit, this will be a full on guide for the character.

Y'all thought I would forget about the summoning stone? Fuck no.

A lot of authors ignore this item and how common it is. In almost every DS book I've read there hasn't been a single mf that uses the Soapstone, and frankly, it pisses me off.

So like I said, logic.

Yang will be summoning the Champion of Ash.

That will be all, cya.


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