BIO: Enter Neopolitan L/n

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NAME: Neopolitan L/n

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Neopolitan L/n


Second member of team EMBR and brother of the leader, Y/n L/n. Ex member of an underground criminal system that was led by crime boss Roman Torchwick.

Y/n L/n (Older brother),
status: Immortal
Roman Torchwick (Father),
status: Deceased

Hush, a parasol that is used as a shield, has a concealed blade within the shaft, and works as a glider in heavy winds.

The thing that makes it so impenetrable is unknown. Whether it is a concentrated use of aura, or a very modified type of fabric, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you cannot use normal forms of ammunition on the parasols top.

The concealed blade is hidden within the shaft of the parasol. Although the material is unknown, it's durability, color, and edge give reason that it is a steel like alloy.

The ability to float at such high altitudes is likely because of the parasol's durability. Or maybe it's simply Neo using her semblance to trick you. It doesn't matter because you'll be dead by the time you figure out which is which.

Melodic Cudgel, a cane that is used as a standard cane, or can be used as a highly destructive rocket launcher.

Uses explosive dust rounds as ammunition. Alloy that the cane is made out of is unknown.

Overactive Imagination. This semblance gives Neopolitan the ability that make physical illusions. This can be used only in her area and the targets will feel illusions if they make contact with them.

Example: If Neo disguises a bullhead then leaves, the bullhead will return to normal appearance.

Example: If Neo punches someone in an illusionary form, the target will feel the impact. As apposed to Emerald Sustrai, who's illusions only stimulate senses like sight and hearing.

Grand Theft. Homicide. War crimes.

Currently, her goal is to aid her friends (brother) by traveling across Anima interesting Mistral. Another thing she knows, is that by following Ruby, she'll find Cinder Fall. By finding Cinder Fall, she'll find Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. If she finds Emerald and Mercury, she'll kill them to avenge her father, Roman Torchwick.

Neopolitan is a short-mid range fighter thanks to her parasol and cane. She has mastered almost every aspect of her fighting style except for proper recoil control. Her lack of experience with Melodic Cudgel can be exploited in a fight because she will falter and stumble due today the recoil of the weapon. This is a huge detail because that brief moment can give you time to either fire a ranged attack or wind up a close ranges attack. Another very important thing to keep track of us her semblance. She can disguise herself and objects around her, not only making them look different, but they will feel different as well.

Pin down. Neopolitan would not be able to use her semblance to escape if you already have her in a hold. Use a wrestle hold in order to take care of her upper body, where she is most dangerous. She replies on agility so if you can out power her in the hold, and her weapons are unavailable the her at that moment, then she would be defeated and defenseless.

Disarm. Neopolitan relies heavily on her weapons because of her lack of strength. This is why she uses a laid back agility style of combat. Getting either one of her weapons out of her hands puts you at a major advantage. I would recommend trying to use her lack of strength to your advantage and force the weapon out of her hand. If that doesn't work, you can grab her forearm or wrist and apply force. Her instincts should kick in and drop the item in her hand.

Absolutely never chase or try to corner this individual. The moment she is out of your sight, you lose. Her semblance makes her environment feel different from what it seems during the illusion, meaning if you cornered her and she used her semblance, you wouldn't even feel her brush past you. If you attempt to chase this individual, it cannot be in an area with tight turns. An example would be a complex series of alleyways, or the halls of an academy. The tight turns will work to her advantage as she can use those few seconds to cast an illusion for you.

Keep any and all emotions in check. Neo is very agile and hitting her is the most difficult part of the fight. If you are attacking imprecise or aggressively, she can exploit this to trip you off balance. She will also use her semblance to trick you amongst your blind rage. If you send in someone with anger issues to fight her, don't be surprised when you end up paying for a funeral in a week.

BIO Entry Complete

Enter Neopolitan L/n.

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