CH7. Oh Boy Time For Shank

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Alright next on the list of bullshit to deal with would be Professor Ooblecks class. It's history so it shouldn't be difficult, I simply don't like the people in the class, namely Cardin.

Welp, can't change whats already happened. Only thing I can hope for is a peaceful class, or at least a normal. Teacher.


I'm currently sitting with team jnpr and the teacher is a total crack addict. I can't comprehend how it's physical possible to talk at that speed and not die of oxygen loss. Like seriously when was the last time this guy stopped to breath?

Oobleck: Can anyone raise their hand if they've been discriminated for their faunas heritage?

A few raised their hands, followed by Velvet who wanted to make sure she didn't stand out to the crowd.

Oobleck: Dreadful, simply dreadful. Now back to the topic of the faunas war. Who here knows what the greatest historical battle the faunas had?

Weiss: The battle at fort castle, sir!

'What a shit name'

Oobleck: Excellent! Now what advantage did they use to achieve victory.

Cardin flicked a paper football onto Jaunes head.

Jaune: Hey!

Oobleck sped to Jaunes seat.

Oobleck: Excellent Mr arc! Finally taking this class seriously are you? Well what is the advantage?

Jaune looked in the direction of Pyrra and she gestured to her eyes. I decided to help out by holding my hand out and summoning a bit of fire.

Jaune: Uhhhh... Light up binoculars?

I facepalmed and Pyrra give a disappointed sigh. Cardin let out a cocky snicker.

Oobleck: And what might your input be Cardin?

Cardin: All I know is that it's easier to train an animal than a human.

Y/n: No wonder your fighting prowess is so mediocre.

Cardin: What the hell did you say!?

Y/n: Would you like it more simple? I say why you fighting is shit.

I say that last part with a monkey voice and everyone laughs at the massive dickhead.

Oobleck: That is enough class! Mr l/n you and Cardin may stay after class.

Y/n: No problem teach!

Pyrra(Whisper): Thank you for helping him.

Y/n: He has potential, I just want to see him use it.

She gives a nod and her attention returns to class.


I walk out the class with team rwby and jnpr. Honestly I'm surprised they have survived the first day.

Ruby: Our last class is sparring with Mrs Goodwitch. We have some time before it starts, anything you guys wanna do?

I look at Pyrra and she nods in response.

Y/n: Yo Jaune we gotta talk.

Jaune: Huh? Oh sure.

The three of us walk to the roof of the dorm buildings.

Jaune: So what happened.

Y/n: Pyrra you can do the talking.

She nods.

Pyrra: Jaune we would like to privately train you from now on. It'd be very helpful for your combat training.

Jaune looked shocked then responded.

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