CH31. Oh God I Have Feelings

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After the first night of matches, I decided that I needed to get my mind off the string of depression that is my lack of a sister.

I got dressed and didn't eat much. I usually cooked for Neo...


With a depressing sigh, I walked out the door and saw Ruby walking down the halls.

Ruby: Oh uh... Hi Y/n...!

I eyed her skeptically until the realization dawned on me.

Y/n: Hey Petals... Did you hear anything last night...?

Her eyes widened and she hid her guilty face in the front of her scarf-hood.

Ruby: NO!

Y/n: Mhm... Wanna grab a bite?

Her eyes lit up into a mix of exited and guilty.

Ruby: Sure...!

We walked in silence to the bullheads. She confirmed my suspension by asking the obvious question.

Ruby: What happened to Neo...?

Y/n: Oh... You heard that...


Ruby POV;

The teams out at Vale to pick up pizza. I stayed behind to shower and head to Y/n's dorm, I've been meaning to try that 2nd sword again~...

My fantasy was interrupted by concerning screeched from my boyfriend's dorm.

Y/n: (muffled and crying) NEO! NEO WHYYYY! NEOOOOO!!!! NEEEEOOO!

Oh dear God what's happening...

Should I...?

I mean if he's going through it I should...

But if I intrude it'll be rude...


I'll ask in the morning...

(Flashback End)

Y/n: Yeah... She's trying to leave her criminal past behind. Left to clear her name...

My sadness was quite potent. The pain was genuine and although loneliness is an associate of mine, I've never once considered him a friend.

Ruby: Do you wanna talk about it?

Y/n: Don't bother, you're already helping.

She gave a caring smile and we boarded a bullhead. It was empty due to how early it was and that everyone was at the arena.

Leave and read this on the Wattpad website, it gives you the music and the content at the same time. Way better experience.

We took a seat in the empty room and for the first time, I found myself leaning on her shoulder. She lightly caressed my hair.

Ruby: I know you said that you don't want to burden us, but you need to realize that we are each others burden now. Anytime you need to talk to someone, or even vent...

She brought my face to hers. I stared intently into her beautiful silver eyes.

Ruby: I'm here for you Y/n.

I felt a tear run down my face. That one turned into a few. Before long I felt myself crying on her shoulder.

Y/n: I don't deserve you...

Ruby: You deserve the world for what you've done for us. It doesn't matter who you were in your world.

She leaned her head onto mine.

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