CH24. An Enemy Soul User!?

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Alright, Vytal Festival day. I'm going to either hate this shit or enjoy it. Praying for the latter.

I woke up to a sleeping Neo. She was an idiot last night and drank. This resulted in us getting kicked out of the pub and I'm pretty sure I killed a guy because he hit on her.

I lightly shook her awake.

Y/n: Hey Neo, we got to go.

She got up and let out a inaudible yawn. Once she was sure that she was conscious, she started signing to me.

Neo: Morning... What happened last night...?

Y/n: We got drunk, I killed a guy because he was hitting on you, I think I made friends with some scratchy voice guy, and we got kicked out in the end.

Neo: Sounds about right... Wait why aren't I hungover?

Y/n: I casted a regeneration spell because I knew this shit would happen.

Neo: Nice.

I walked over to the freezer and grabbed some microwave food for Neo.

Y/n: I have my first Vytal match today so imma be with the Beacon guys. Wanna come?

She shook her head.

Neo: I was strong armed into being in Cinders team.

Y/n: Wait... Emerald... Mercury... Cinder... Neo...

She looked at me with a confused expression.

Y/n: You guys are team CMEN! Hah!

Her expression switched to anger and she threw a punch at my groin. I dodged and ran out the door to meet with the teams at the library.

After a good minute, I got a message on my scroll.

Neo: Good luck in the match! I'll be watching! Love ya bro.

I let out a soft smile.

Y/n: I'll make it an interesting fight. Be safe in yours. Love you too sis.

I put away my scroll and walked into the library.

Y/n: Yo.

They all turned to me and I was tackled by the flower.

Ruby: Hi Y/n!

Y/n:(muffled) I'm fine with this position...

She looked down and saw my face smothered between her breasts. She turned as red as her hood and got off.

Ruby: Sorry!

Y/n: Already said I'm fine with it.

I dodged a punch from Yang.

Yang: Stop doing that in front of us!

Y/n: Well you got pretty angry when we did it on private.

Another punch, this time from Blake.

Blake: Which I'm still mad that you guys kicked me out of!

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry that I'm loyal to the girl I love!

This time a member of team jnpr but in.

Pyrra: Can you guys not? I would rather not listen to my brothers sexual endeavors, nor my friends need to join in them!

She glared at Blake, who in return glared back.

Ruby: Seriously, i'm the girlfriend and you want his pants off more than I do!

Weiss:*cough* We have a fucking tournament to discuss.

Y/n: Thank you Ice Witch!

She threw a book at me. I caught it and threw it back to Jaune, who she snagged it from.

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