I'm not an asshole I swear

1K 149 22

Okay listen I don't wanna be that guy...

But did you know only 5% of my readers are voting? Crazy right.

No, that wasn't a dream joke btw.

We be getting 100 reads in a day and like 3 of y'all vote.

Please, if you're enjoying this story, which I know you are, vote bruh. I need this shit to grow the story.

We've been dropping hard on charts and I really don't want this one to die. I have big plans for this one, and if I get fucked by the Wattpad algorithm, I will find whichever virgin runs this site and have their mothers head.

Try me Wattpad.

And now that I think about it, I fucking lied.

And now that I think about it, I fucking lied

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I will be that guy.

*Cocks gun*


-Connection Terminated-

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now