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Although it may sound unconventional, 18-year-old Scott McCall started his Wednesday by writing a list of all supernatural creatures in the city to give to his mother. It encompasses the Beacon Hills central area and most surrounding districts. The alpha is leaving for college in 6 months, so it makes sense he wants to keep everyone safe.

Over the rest of the day, many preparational to-do's are crossed off, including creating a stash of mountain ash and wolfsbane in their bathroom cabinet. There's time before Scott has to leave for UC Davis, but he needs to make sure everything is perfect and everyone is ready.

- Honey, for the thousandth time, we got this. - Melissa smiles at her son, who's currently attaching a paper with emergency numbers to the fridge door. 

Scott took the mantle of city protector years ago, and even though everyone is thankful for what he did, he needs to let go. It was never the responsibility for a child to begin with.

- I heard you the first time. - He replies, not looking at her while he sticks another list of emergency contacts on the kitchen door. - But I have to make sure everyone is prepared.

- We are prepared. - Melissa rubs his back and discretely pulls him to the couch. - If something happens that we can't deal with, you're a phone call and a few hours away. We'll be fine, Scott. 

The nurse might look calm, but she's having a hard time. A mother is never fully prepared to say goodbye to her kids, but the fact she was in this position once before, although in wildly different circumstances, hurt a little too much.

- Mom, stop thinking about her.

The guilt for leaving his mother behind is killing him, and the fact he can literally smell her sadness doesn't help.

- Sorry. - Melissa wipes a tear. - I guess it's impossible not to think about her right now. She'd be so proud of you.

- I know. - Scott hugs his mom tightly, memories of his childhood bubbling in his mind.

One thing very few people know about Scott is that he wasn't an only child, he had a twin. Rose McCall was a ray of sunshine, extremely energetic, it was impossible to be in a bad mood around her. Her disappearance was the talk of the town for a long time but now, almost 4 years later, a lot of people don't even know she existed. The other parents don't talk about it, and in all fairness, there isn't much to say. 4 years ago on a very ordinary Monday, Melissa kissed her 14-year-old daughter goodnight, like she did every night, and went to bed. The next morning, Rose was gone without a trace. Searches were made, but no one ever found any clues. Or bodies.  

A knock on the door snaps Scott out of his nostalgic trance and indicates the arrival of his girlfriend, Allison. His expression quickly changes from sorrow to happiness, and just like all the other times, Melissa's heart melts. Over the last 3 years a lot of bad things happened to him, but Allison is his refuge. His anchor. 

- Hey. - She kisses him softly. - Are you ready? 

- Yep. - He grabs his backpack from the floor, hugs his mother goodbye and the love birds walk out hand in hand.

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