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The room is silent, everyone waiting for Daisy to continue her story, but she doesn't seem willing to say anything else. Theo will never be able to forget the day Daisy came back from her first 'mission', it's an image that haunts him. It took months for her to tell him what went down and she hid a pretty important part of the story. 4 years later Daisy still doesn't talk about it.

The doctors made her train mind control on Theo for a couple of days before sending her out. Daisy was terrified of them and she had no memories, so they knew she wouldn't try to escape or anything. Raeken didn't have this freedom, at least not at the time, but it wouldn't change anything. After only a week knowing Daisy, he already knew there was no way in hell he'd leave her behind. Fate was cruel because Theo was forced to do exactly that later on.

- What happened next? - The sheriff insists, but Theo gives him a warning look. With a long sigh, Noah closes the notepad and turns to his son. - We should go, we can come back tomorrow and continue. Sounds good?

- Sure, we can do that. - Melissa agrees. Her hands shake as she poorly attempts to fight the tears. - Thanks for dropping by.

The next few minutes pass by with an awkward goodbye and a discussion when Melissa says Theo can't stay at her house, to which Daisy replies she'll leave as well. In the end, they compromise and agree Theo can take the couch for the night.

Scott shows Daisy her old room, which was kept how she left it and goes to his own. The alpha and Melissa are in the same headspace, trying to digest the fact Rose is alive, and at the same time, it feels like she isn't.

It's past midnight when Daisy descends the stairs carrying a notebook, and wearing the old jacket on top of these gray pajamas she found at the bottom of a drawer. The clothes Rose liked to wear are way too colorful for her. Daisy sits next to Theo, who's wide awake, on the couch and he smiles faintly, covering her legs on one of the blankets Scott gave him.

- What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?

- I don't know how to start answering that. - Daisy sighs, shutting her eyes in frustration. - They don't like you, trouble. The anger they have towards you is palpable. All of them except for Liam.

- What? - Theo's head shoots up and she notices a little blush on his face. - Are ... Are you sure?

Daisy can't hold a smile as the room is filled with affection. This power is difficult to explain, but bottom line is she can feel intense emotions, as well as the supernatural traits of everyone she meets. One thing Daisy is starting to realize is that Theo is easier to "read" than anyone else because he's the one she knows better. Her best friend, the only person who cares about her as far as she remembers, is in love.

- 100%, he's not subtle about it. - She's smiling, which is a pretty rare sight this days. - And neither are you.

- That's not ... - Theo stutters a bit. - Stop changing the subject! We're talking about you. Have you remembered anything?

- No. But I found this. - She hands him the notebook. - From what I've read this is Rose's ... My old journal.

- What does it say? - Theo studies the drawing on the cover, a stormy ocean, handmade.

- Apparently, I had a secret boyfriend. Someone Scott wouldn't want me to date. - She opens a page and reads the entry out loud. - "I almost burst into laughter when my brother asked why I was so happy. I don't want to think about what he would do to Mischief if he found out about us."

- Sounds complicated. - Theo chuckles. - You always had a way with nicknames.

- Check this out. - Daisy points at a drawing on the last page with writing on it, a clear image of a Dread Doctor. - According to the text, she had a dream about them. It's the last entry so maybe she ... maybe I was taken the following night.

- What does that mean?

- I have no fucking clue. - She groans, tossing the old journal on the desk. - This whole situation is giving me a headache.

- You should get some sleep. - Theo moves around the couch and wraps her in a hug. - I'll wake you if anything happens.

- I love you, trouble. - Daisy buries her face on Theo's chest, inhales the familiar scent, and dives into a deep sleep. She doesn't hear as he presses a soft kiss to her forehead and whispers.

- I love you, witchy.

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