Trapped into a Nightmare

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The next hour passes unbearably slow. Brett keeps staring at the clock in the kitchen like doing so will make time move faster. As soon as it hits the mark stipulated by Deaton, he jumps out of his chair and walks towards the veterinarian.

- So?

- Alright. - Deaton stands up as well, walking to where the rest of the teens were. - This is a long shot, it's risky and it might not work, but I'm running out of ideas.

- What do we have to do? - Scott asks, preparing for the worse.

The last time Deaton was this scared of doing something, it involved Scott, Allison and Stiles "dying" to track down their parents. Even now, years later, all of them feel the effects of that night to some extent.

- Not we. - The druid sighs, looking at Daisy. - You.

- Wait, you mean me? - The girl frowns as all eyes of the room fall on her. - I can help her?

- Possibly, but you have to understand this is dangerous.

- What exactly is the risk? - Stiles speaks what almost everyone is thinking, already not thrilled about whatever the idea was.

- Death. - Deaton replies, straight to the point. - It's a small risk for that, but it exists. You can also get injured, that's more likely. That being said, it might be Lori's only chance.

- What do I have to do?

- No, wait. - Scott interjects. - We should think about this.

- There's nothing to think about, Scott. I won't sit here and watch her die knowing I could've helped her.

The alpha looks over at Theo, hoping to get some back up, but the chimera doesn't seem willing to argue with Daisy.

- Don't look at me like that. I've learned a long time ago that it's useless to argue with her.

- Alright, allow me to explain them. - Deaton takes the lead and grabs the drawing Brett made. - This is a creature I've never seen before, it's likely the result of someone who was bitten and turned into ... something else.

- Like Jackson. - Stiles realizes. - Except we don't know what it is this time.

- Precisely. - The vet nods, pulling out a small box from his backpack. - But it seems like a creature that can get into your mind. In simple terms, I think she's trapped into a nightmare.

- Holy shit. - Brett's eyes water.

- Just tell me what to do. - Daisy repeats and Deaton opens the box, revealing a purple powder.

- This is a modified mountain ash. It allows witches like you to enter people's minds. You're going to enter and get Lori out.

- Sounds simple enough. - The girl shrugs it off, but her voice is shaking a little. - Let's do it.  

Scott tries to argue but Daisy's determined, putting the mountain ash on her fingers and holding Lori's head, following Deaton's instructions at every step. She repeats the spell, no one moves a muscle. They watch in fear as her eyes glow blue, a soft fog of the same color escaping her palms.

For the first few minutes nothing else happens, both of the girls trapped in a trance. Suddenly Lori's hand moves, making them all back to a high alert. Deaton watches Daisy as if he's waiting for her to scream in pain.   

- Again. - Brett points to the hand. - She moved again.

- What does it mean? - Stiles looks at the vet.

- It's working... - Deaton frowns.

- You don't sound very sure, doc. - Theo's voice is carried with anger. - What is happening?

- Guys. - Isaac calls out and when they look his nose is already bleeding enough to stain his shirt. - I'm dizzy..

Scott runs to his aid, catching the boy just before he passes out cold, and drags him to the couch. Before anyone can react Lori jolts awake, screaming like she's being tortured, and Daisy falls unconscious, being picked up and carried to the living room by Theo.

- Hey, you're ok! - Brett is also yelling, trying to calm down an extremely panicked Lori. - You're safe here! It's ok!

Isaac is the first to wake up, wiping the blood on his face with the back of his hand and sitting up on the couch Scott placed him. The look on his face is of pure confusion until he sees Daisy passed out. Theo and Stiles are checking her pulse while Deaton watches the situation unfold in silence. His expression quickly changes for one of absolute horror.

- Freaking do something! - Theo yells, giving the vet a death stare. - How do we wake her up?

- Give her a second. - Deaton assures them. - The worst is already over.

Brett is able to calm down his sister and is in the middle of explaining what happened when Isaac stands up, kneeling down next to Daisy and Theo. The witch has her head laid on her best friend's lap, not a sign of blood in her face.

- Isaac, that doesn't work on her. It's..

- Let him. - Deaton interrupts Scott. - It might help her.

The siblings join the rest of the group in the living room, Lori's face dropping at Daisy's condition. Isaac reaches out and grabs one of her hands, his forearm showing he's taking away her pain, but his veins have a blue shade rather than the usual black.

- What the fuck... - Stiles mumbles, watching as Isaac's face twitches in pain.

- Deaton, what do we...

Before Theo can finish his question, Daisy's eyes flutter open and she sits up. Stiles, Scott and Theo let out a breath of relief almost simultaneously, Deaton not too far behind them.

- Did it work? - Her voice is barely a whisper and her cheeks turn red when she sees Isaac is holding her hand.

- Yes, it did. - Theo replies, motioning his head to where Lori and Brett are standing. - She's gonna be ok. 

- Thank you. - The girl tells Daisy, a few tears staining her cheeks.

- This was .. unexpected. - Deaton thinks out loud, sitting on the last available spot next to Stiles. - We need to have a serious conversation.

- About what? - Daisy frowns, releasing from Isaac's grip and massaging her temples. 

- You. - He smiles sympathetically then turns to Isaac, who hasn't moved from his spot on the floor. - And him.

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