What now?

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Everything is so chaotic it takes over an hour before Allison and Derek join the rest of the pack in the animal clinic. Soft rain started falling in the meantime. The negotiations were wild, but once the FBI intervened the hunters were forced to draw back. By the end of the whole thing Monroe was arrested and Derek was able to break the young wolves out. Stiles has been calling his dad every five minutes since leaving the station, but he hasn't answered, solely because he forgot his phone on the bathroom sink.

- We're here. - Allison announces as they step into the clinic lobby, frowning at the seat arrangements.

At this point Daisy is basically on Theo's lap, her comfortable grin suggesting this is not the first time she does that - it's not. They're laughing at something on Theo's phone while Stiles and Scott sit across from them, glaring at the duo. Lydia and Malia are sitting on the floor, obviously uncomfortable with the silent war.

- Did it work? - Stiles asks, his tone eager. - Is my dad ok?

- Everyone is fine. The hunters left and Monroe was arrested. I took the kids back to the leftover members of Satomi's back. - Derek explains and a wave of relief washes over everyone. At least this one they were able to win.

- What now? - Lydia inquires, turning her eyes to Daisy and Theo.

- We should go home. I have a bad feeling about those dead wolves. - Malia stands up from her place on the floor. - Not to mention Lydia's vision. Something's coming, we need to be prepared.

- Great. - Scott pinches the bridge of his nose. - Just great.

- Come on, I'll take you home. - Stiles grabs Lydia's hand. He's ready to walk out when she whispers something in his ear, making them turn back. - Rose...

- Don't call me that. - She interrupts him. - It's Daisy.

Scott's heart breaks at the correction. The more time he spends around Daisy, the more she seems to be an intruder walking around with Rose's face. Never in a million years his sister would be as hostile as Daisy, even to people she didn't know. Rose was a sweet girl, the type of person that makes every situation better.

- What are you gonna do? - Lydia asks after another moment of awkward silence.

- No clue. - Daisy looks down. - The plan was to find Theo and take it from there.

- Maybe you should go home. I'm sure Melissa will be happy to see you, even if you don't remember her. - Stiles proposes and the confusion on her face hurts. - Melissa, your mother.

- Right. - Daisy thinks for a second. - Can Theo come?

- That's not a good idea. - Theo states before anyone says anything, surprising the others. - Go be with your family. I'll stop by tomorrow.

- I'm not going anywhere without you. - She declares and he smiles. He had missed his best friend.

- Ok, then.

- Convenient. - Allison scoffs but they ignore her.

There are a couple more minutes of extremely weird quietness as everyone grabs their respective backpacks and purses.

- How about me, Scott, and Daisy go to their house while Derek and Allison drop off Lydia and Malia? - Theo suggests - Stiles can meet us there and bring the sheriff.

- Sure. - Stiles nods, too tired to argue. - I can do that.

- Works for me. - Derek agrees.

- Who died and made you captain? - Allison grunts.

- It was just an idea.

- Well, I think...

- Let's do that. - Scott interrupts his girlfriend. - We'll keep you guys posted.

- It's a plan. - Malia sighs and everyone follows their way.

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