Dead Hellhound

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By the time the sun starts appearing on the horizon, Scott has already been awake for a long time. It was barely 2 a.m. when he went downstairs for water only to find his sister asleep and cuddling with Theo on the couch. Of course he thinks there's something romantic between them, anyone would, but it's not true.

As soon as the clock strikes 6 am Scott stands up and runs to the living room. It's time to face reality, even if he doesn't like it. To his surprise Theo and Daisy are wide awake, sipping on a wide range of mugs and talking about the pack members. Theo is helping her memorize the names. In her mind, she calls them by their supernatural name, like Banshee, Beta, Alfa, etc. Allison ended up as Hunter, Stiles as Human, Derek is Beta 2 and Corey is Chamaleon. Malia is Malia, for some reason her name stuck, but Daisy knows she's a coyote.

They don't notice Scott coming down the stairs, and he finds it slightly amusing that Daisy has a hard time remembering names. Rose was awful at it too.

- So, what do you think? - Theo points to the tea in her hand.

- It's good. - Daisy shrugs, taking a small sip. - But I still prefer coffee.

Scott smiles, remembering the fateful day that 13-year-old Rose McCall discovered coffee. She had always been a fan of staying up late to read, said there was something romantic about doing that while everyone else is asleep. Discovering a warm and delicious drink that helped her stay awake got her hooked instantly.

That smile dissipates as he understands the full meaning of the conversation. Daisy didn't remember if she liked coffee better than tea because she doesn't remember her past. Or her family. Or anything aside from the years she was extensively tortured.

- Morning. - Scott announces himself, sitting next to Daisy in the kitchen. Anything to stop thinking about what his sister must've gone through. - Did you sleep alright?

Once again she glances at Theo, waiting for him to clear Scott for conversation, and the boy gives her a small nod. Just like he did all the other times.

- It was fine. - Daisy nods, looking down. - What's gonna happen to us now?

- Honestly, I don't know. - Scott tries to remain calm, but it's painful to talk to her in these terms. - Lydia and Malia found something weird in the woods. We'll look into it.

- What did they find? - Theo asks.

- A dead hellhound. - Scott pulls out his phone to show them a picture. - His name was Hallwyn. Apparently he used to be a patient at the Eichen House. Lydia wants to take a look there, she said someone needs it.

Daisy takes some more tea and nods, clearly unaware of what the Eichen House is or how dangerous it is for her to go there. 30 minutes later they jump on Scott's car, pick up Lydia, and make their way to the asylum.

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