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Allison is the first to hug Isaac when he walks in, followed closely by Scott and Lydia. It's been a while too long since they last saw each other.

- Well, look what the cat dragged in. - Stiles steps closer and hugs Isaac as well.

- I missed you too, Stilinski. - Isaac teases back. - It's weird to be here.

- You're staying, right? - Allison leans against the wall.

- Yeah. - He looks around the house, eyes filled with longing.

The pack helped Isaac get out of a dangerous situation after his dad died, but he was too traumatized to stick around. After Allison was stabbed by an Oni, which almost cost the hunter her life, Isaac decided to step away. Go to a place that doesn't have as many supernatural events. France was easy, he didn't have to fight for his life every other day, but being away also meant being away from the only family he's ever had.

Jackson, Lydia, and Ethan walk in. The fact they were laughing in the kitchen just now is insane considering the circumstances. Lydia used to date Jackson. She also dated Ethan's now dead twin brother. All of them tried to hurt or kill each other at some point.

- It's good to be back. - Isaac sighs, dropping his backpack on the wooden floor.

- Don't jump the gun. We don't know why we're here yet. - Jackson smacks Isaac's shoulder playfully.

From afar, Daisy notices Isaac flinched a little like he was afraid he'd be punched. He did a good job of hiding it. No one other than her seemed to have noticed.

When everyone takes a seat in the living room, Isaac notices Daisy, Kira, and Theo on the couch for the first time. He scowls at Theo's presence and is about to make some snarky comment about it when his eyes land on Daisy. He notices the dark hair, the bright blue eyes, the old leather jacket. And also how she's looking anywhere but at him.

- I missed something. - Isaac realizes. - I thought that guy tried to kill you.

- Technically, I did kill him. - Theo's voice is empty of any emotion.

Isaac's eyes widen, but he doesn't say anything else, feeling somehow more confused than before. Once again his gaze finds Daisy, who's biting her lower lip and looking at her hands. The witch is visibly in pain.

- Come on. I'm starving. - Stiles takes Lydia's hand and guides her to the kitchen. Ethan and Jackson follow like a pair of lost puppies.

Slowly everyone moves, aside from Isaac, Theo, and Daisy. She's still paralyzed on the couch and not looking at Isaac, who remains in the same place as well. He was supposed to follow the pack to the kitchen so they could explain the situation, but he didn't.

- Isaac? - Allison calls out, but he doesn't move.

He feels lured to Daisy, like a moth to a flame. She's feeling it too and Theo notices that. Upon giving her a look, and receiving a nod in return, he stands up and goes to the kitchen. Isaac hesitates momentarily but walks to the couch. There's a hint of panic overcoming him. What is this feeling? Who even is this girl?

The closer he gets, the hotter this weird tingle in Daisy's hand gets. It's almost painful by the time he sits down, but there's a lingering familiarity to it. Daisy lifts her head and they stare at each other for several seconds, a bizarre force pulling them together. 

Some of their friends, like Scott, Theo and Malia, watch them discreetly.

- What is going on? - Malia asks, causing Lydia to join them. - Why are they staring at each other like that?

- I have no idea. - Theo crosses his arms.

- Who are you? - Isaac breaks the silence. He doesn't even realize his friends are talking about him in the next room.

If Daisy could read him it would be obvious he's nervous, but the way things look right now, she can't be sure. The sensation is different from anything she ever felt, like a magnet being attracted to a piece of metal. And it's impossible to tell who is the magnet and who is the metal.

- Daisy. - She replies, feeling her voice falter. - I'm Scott's twin sister.

- Scott has a sister?

- Yeah. - The burning in her hand intensifies. - But I have no memory of it.

- That sounds ... complicated.

- One way to put it. - Daisy continues to rub her hands on the couch, her palms getting hotter by the second.

- Are you ok? - Isaac frowns, noticing the shakiness of her arms and how her heart is racing.

Daisy realizes Isaac doesn't seem to be feeling anything out of the ordinary. It feels like someone is holding a lighter close to her palm, just on the edge of what would be enough to burn the skin. Is it a magic thing? Or maybe she's nervous? No. Isaac is cute, but there's no way this is what's making her skin catch fire.

- I'm Isaac, by the way. - He extends his hand. - Isaac Lahey.

For a split second Daisy hesitates, thinking maybe he's a warlock and is messing with her, but eventually she extends a hand. Once his skin comes in contact with hers, there's a painful sting. This time Isaac feels it too and his immediate reaction is to scream.

- Why did you do that? - He shakes his hand like he's trying to put out an imaginary fire.

- Me?!?- Daisy shouts. - I didn't do anything!

The others immediately rush in from the kitchen, alarmed by how loud the scream was. Scott approaches Isaac and Theo is on Daisy's side in seconds.

- What the fuck happened? - Scott looks between the two.

- I don't know! - Daisy shouts again, frustration leaking from her tone. - He just fucking walked in and... I can't read him!

It takes several minutes of people talking over each other before everyone understands what happened, although no one can explain why it happened. Isaac is shaken, Daisy is furious and Theo is immersed in his thoughts. No one understands the last 10 minutes of their lives.

Allison takes the lean and explains the Dread Doctors, Theo, and Daisy-Rose situation to everyone who doesn't know. She also shares everything they know and their theories on the most recent monster. It shows how loyal the pack members are because they had no idea what they were dealing with and came anyway.

- Wow. That's a lot. - Jackson nods slowly. - Have you ever heard of something like this?

- No. - Ethan shakes his head. - As far as I know, boogiemans are as real as unicorns.

- To be fair, we'd all say that about werewolves not long ago. - Kira adds.

- True. - Isaac responds, his eyes zeroing in on Daisy. - So you prefer Daisy?

She nods and a weird flutter takes over her stomach. Why is she happy Isaac cared enough to ask which name she prefers? That's like the bare minimum, and he's not even the first person who asked.

- Are your hands still hurting? - Stiles asks.

- No. - She responds, noticing that the weird sensation is gone. - It stopped.

- You didn't do that on purpose. - Isaac speaks hesitantly, almost as if he's trying to convince himself. - Neither did I. What the fuck does it mean?

Theo and Daisy lock eyes, simultaneously remembering a conversation they overheard between the Dread Doctors ages ago. It's remarkable how careless they were with this kind of thing, often talking about their master plans right next to the kids. But to be fair, who would they tell?

- It may be a long shot. - Theo decides to speak up. - But is there any chance you're a warlock?

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