I'm here, mom

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The ride back to the McCall residence is surprisingly light. Scott asks Daisy questions to make sure she actually remembers everything, crying a bit more every time she does. It was about 3am when they left the clinic. Deaton and Derek assured them that they'd take care of everyone. After all this, Scott deserves to be with his family.

Stiles and Isaac ride in the front seats, dead silence between them aside from the occasional smile at the interaction going on in the back. They're both smart boys and are thinking the exact same thing.

As soon as Stiles parks the Jeep the twins almost jump out, running towards the house frantically. Scott screams for his mother loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood. She comes down the stairs in a bunny pajama, clearly exhausted from being woken up this early.

- What.. - That's all Melissa has the time to say before Daisy runs to her, hugging her tightly. The nurse looks at Scott in shock, his face answering what she was afraid to ask. Her eyes watering as she finally holds her daughter, careful not to hurt her with a tight embrace. - How?

- It's a long story. - Daisy says, pulling away while Isaac and Stiles enter the house. - But I remember everything. I'm here, mom.

- Ok... - Melissa smiles between tears, caressing Daisy's cheek tenderly.

It's actually happening, this is real. Her little Rosie is home.

- What happens now? - Stiles asks, putting his phone away after texting Noah the good news.

- I don't know. - Daisy sighs, moving towards the couch. - But I'll figure it out. I have to.

- What do you mean? - Melissa sits next to her, noticing Theo's absence for the first time.

- He's dead. - She takes a deep breath to fight the tears. - Theo died for me and Liam... just like he said he would.

- I'm so sorry. - Melissa says, meaning every word of it.

- Me too. - She wipes her face, looking at the boys in front of her, her heart breaking because Theo should be here.

The rest of the day is a wild mixture of emotions, from telling Noah and Melissa everything (except for what Kyle revealed about Daisy's first kill) to informing Corey's mother of his death, something that even after years in the service, the sheriff could never get used to doing. The deaths are in the air but at the same time Rose's family is happy to see her again.

Scott calls Liam before lunch and they make arrangements for the deceased, a symbolic pack funeral for all of them, including Theo and Hayden. Melissa keeps her daughter close as much as she can, thanking all the Gods she doesn't believe in for bringing her back. Scott is in a similar headspace, her return is the most important thing going on.

Isaac and Stiles stay, alongside Noah and Allison, who arrive later on. It's the first time in 4 years that the McCall's have a family lunch, although said family has expanded a lot. It's a bittersweet feeling, the joy of being together that also works as a reminder of everyone who's not here. Daisy took Theo's last words very seriously: she's gonna figure out how to be happy, if anything because he gave his life for her to do so.

It's about 2pm when Isaac excuses himself, going to the clearing to take a breath. Stiles and Daisy (Or is it Rose? He doesn't wanna call her that but he will if it's what she wants) just went to the kitchen for a private conversation. Isaac is, understandably, freaking out.

For the next fifteen minutes he comes to two important realizations: one is that, even if she wants to get back together with Stiles, he won't be a dick and yell at her. Two, no matter what happens, she's still the best thing that ever happened to him, and should be remembered accordingly.

- Hey, stranger. - Daisy's voice snaps him out of his trance, a few branches snapping as she sits next to him on the floor.

- Hey. - He forces a smile. - How are you feeling?

- Overwhelmed. - She replies simply. - You?

- I'm fine.

- I already told you that you're a really bad liar. - The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Ever since her memories returned the sire bond has faded a bit, which means that neither can tell with certainty what the other is feeling.

- Alright. Rose..

- Don't. - She cuts him, frowning. - It's Daisy.

- But in the clinic you said...

- Not for you! - There's a hint of anger in her semblant. - If Theo was here it would apply to him too. I... I don't want you to call me Rose.

- Why not?

- Because you fell in love with Daisy. - She says it as if this is one of the most obvious things ever. - And I'm Daisy as well. I don't want to be someone else with you.

- Rose was in love with Stiles... - Isaac tries his best not to let on how scared he is.

Daisy smiles, leaning over and kissing him. Which is, quite frankly, the last thing he expected her to do.

- Trust me, there are many things I'm not sure of right now. A lot I don't know. - She pauses, faces so close together their noses brush against each other. - You're the only thing I'm 100% sure of, Isaac.

- Is that right? - He smirks as the relief washes over him. - And what exactly are you sure of?

- That Stiles was my first love. - One of her thumbs gazes over his eyebrow. Isaac's eyes have a hint of golden from the afternoon sunlight. - But you are gonna be the last. For better or worse.

He smiles brightly, holding the back of her neck and pressing their lips together once more. After spending so much time preparing for the worst case scenario, he makes sure to savor every second of reality.

Daisy presses her forehead on his, maintaining eye contact.

- I'm gonna marry you someday, Daisy. - This isn't just a flirty remark, it's more of a promise.

- Looking forward to it. - She chuckles, leaning her head on his shoulder and letting out a content sigh.

- I love you. - He says, interlocking their fingers and giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

- I love you more. - She replies and he chuckles.

- Impossible.

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