Weird Friend

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- Want some? - Theo offers a bag of fries and Daisy grabs a handful, eager like she hasn't eaten in weeks. - When was the last time you ate?

- What day is today? - She replies, her mouth full of food. - I don't know. Maybe 2 days ago?

They're sitting in Theo's car outside a drive-thru, soft pop music playing on the radio and the clouds are darkening. There's rain coming. Theo shakes his head at her response but doesn't try to argue. He knows better. It's funny for him that she has these really cool powers, but refuses to use them for her own benefit. Even just to get food. Daisy doesn't use her compulsion if she thinks there's any other way. And that's how she ends up several days without eating.

- Daisy... - Theo takes a deep breath, trying to think of the best way to approach the sensitive matter. - How did you find me?

- A mercenary, Braeden. - The girl shrugs, taking a sip of the tiny water bottle like she doesn't have a care in the world. - Nice woman.

- Heard of her. How did you afford it?

- Night shift. - She looks down. - Took me over 6 months to get everything.

This was a thing she had to do regularly in the early days of their friendship, to the point they called it the "night shift". It's better than "random walk at night that will probably end up with her killing someone". Daisy always hated taking lives, even from people who deserved it.

The night shift was simple, she'd go out and look for targets. Since she started doing it on her own she'd wait for a robber, sex offender, serial killer, or something like that, and compel them to give her their pocket money. Sometimes she'd order them to turn themselves in, but not every time. Magic can be exhausting and she didn't want to get caught.

But when she did this by the Doctors' orders, the targets weren't random at all, they were very specific. They'd force her to kill most times and Daisy never forgave herself for that, even though she didn't have a choice. She was a weapon. And a child.

- I'm sorry. - Theo interlocks their fingers, not taking his eyes off her. The familiar gesture is comforting and she smiles at him, her only friend in the world.

- It's ok.

- I looked for you. - He feels the need to explain. - I swear I did, but I couldn't find any traces.

- Theo, they lied to us. Since the beginning. The facility we lived in wasn't even in Indiana, it was in a city called Riverside. It's like two hours from here. - She takes a deep breath. - I searched everywhere too until I found Braeden, but that's besides the point. Those bastards can't hurt us anymore. So how about we take it from here? Sounds good?

- Perfect. - Theo kisses her forehead, but his phone ringing makes them part ways. The surprise he feels to see Scott's name on the screen is palpable. - This is weird.

- Who is it?

- It's complicated. - He picks up the phone. - Scott?

- Hey. - There's commotion in the back and the alpha doesn't sound happy. - We need help. From you and your weird friend.

- Where? - Theo asks, starting the car.

- The police station. - More panicked sounds in the back. People are shouting. - But we have to figure out a way to get you in, the hunters are surrounding the place.

- Regular, human hunters?

- Yes. - Scott sighs. - Heavily armed and outnumbering us by far, but yes. Why?

- We can get in. - Theo looks over at Daisy who nods, knowing what he's thinking. - See you soon.

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