Smoke Grenade

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The scene is extremely chaotic, but thankfully it fades away soon enough. In a couple of minutes, all that's left is a few agents with itchy eyes, nothing more serious or deadly. It takes longer for the police to decide on what to do than it took for the hunters to threaten to send a second one. The pressure's getting higher and it makes everyone even more desperate.

- What the fuck was that? - Daisy asks. For the first time all night, she seems to be truly scared.

Theo puts his hand on her shoulder and she relaxes upon contact. That earns them a loud scoff from Stiles, which is ignored by everyone. He must be the person who's most angry about the bond between Daisy and Theo, which is understandable. Theo put Stiles in a horrible position, turned Scott on him, and basically ruined his life, so "working together" now is not easy for him. Not when Daisy knows Theo but doesn't remember him or Scott. That's too much.

- A smoke grenade. The hunters are pressuring us to hand Tiernay and Jiang. - Lydia explains, very calmly considering the havoc in the next room. - They won't leave or let anyone leave until they get them.

- Can't you just make them leave? - Liam looks over at Daisy. - Like you made them confess they killed the hunter?

- Theoretically I could, but it would raise a lot of questions. People would wonder why everyone just suddenly left. Not to mention it would be very draining.

- It's a bad idea. - Theo nods, giving Liam a look to not insist. - But right now we need to get out of here because I'm pretty sure special agent McCall just parked outside.

- Why is that a problem? - Mason asks, oblivious.

- Because he's mine and Rose's father. - Scott explains. - Theo is right, we need to leave. How did you two get in here?

- Invisibility spell. - Daisy shrugs. - Just give me a second.

10 minutes later, Daisy, Theo, Malia, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia walk past the hunters, their steps very slow and careful. The spell Daisy put on them makes it so that they can't be seen and the sounds are muffled, but no one is taking chances.

Allison and Derek were charged with making sure all the others got home once the negotiations were over, so they stayed behind with Liam, Mason, and Corey.

The group walks for a few blocks until they reach the cars. On the blue Jeep, Stiles, Lydia, and Malia. In the black car, Daisy, Theo, and Scott.

The alpha is not happy about the proximity between them, but it's obvious they have some kind of connection. Scott doesn't know anything about witches, therefore he has no idea Daisy can sense his anger and that's not helping with her desire to grab her best friend and run.

The ride is dead quiet in their car, unlike in the Jeep where the girls gang up on Stiles to ask for explanations. He doesn't tell them much, just a few stories about Rose as a child and how she was in general. He also gives them a rundown of how devastated Mellisa was when Rose disappeared. Scott usually pretends she doesn't exist all together because it just hurts too damn much.

After a few minutes that feel more like hours, they hop out of the cars in front of an animal clinic. The lights are off and the doors are locked, but Scott has the keys.

Stiles tells everyone to get inside, but it falls on deaf ears to Daisy. She stays outside, looking at the building like she's waiting for the construction to tell her something.

- What is she doing? - Malia points to the witch as they enter the waiting room. Theo doesn't seem concerned about it.

- Give her a second. - He says, not giving further explanations.

- Why? - Lydia demands. - What is she doing?

- Finding a way in. - Daisy materializes behind her, making the banshee flinch. - The walls are covered in mountain ash, I can't just walk through the door.

- How did you enter then? - Lydia asks, her heart racing from the scare.

- The floor. They never protect the floor. - Theo replies and she smiles at him. - What? I pay attention.

They had this conversation before. And it's true, when it comes to her, he really pays attention.

- Derek and Allison will be here soon, let's wait. - Scott sits in one of the many chairs in the lobby.

There aren't enough seats for everyone, and to his pure desperation, that leads Daisy and Theo to share a chair.

- Alright. - Stiles sits next to him. This will be a long wait.

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