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It's not 5am when Scott, Isaac and Theo are woken by a really loud noise outside the house. The three of them meet up in the living room, silently agreeing to not wake up Daisy or Melissa. They can check whatever that is on their own.

Scott carefully opens the front door and they step outside, the cold air of dawn making them shiver. At first glance nothing seems wrong. There isn't a single car crossing the otherwise heavily busy street but there's a lingering panic in the air.

- What the hell is going on? - Isaac mumbles under his breath, the sound of a branch snapping making them look back at the same time. - Did you guys hear that?

- We're not alone. - Scott states, the anguish getting worse at every second in this fearful situation.

At the blink of an eye, he's no longer looking at the empty street in front of his house, but at outside of the Eichen House. The ominous fog surrounding the place makes Scott even more terrified.

- What the fuck? - His eyes dart around in panic. Isaac and Theo disappeared. There's something about this place, it simply doesn't feel real, but he's too scared to notice see that.

- Allison! - Lydia's scream cuts through his ears like a piece of glass, instinctively covering his head with both arms.

The sight of his girlfriend being stabbed by an Oni makes his heart drop from his chest. Scott runs to her, pulls her to lay closer to him and puts his hand over Allison's. He tries to take her pain but it doesn't work.

- I can't... I can't take your pain.

- That's because it doesn't hurt. - Allison smiles weakly and it's easy to see she's hurting.

- No. - Scott shakes his head, tears pricking his eyes. - Please, don't leave me.

- It's ok. It's perfect.

The alpha looks around, but there's no one to help. Even the Oni's that were attacking them disappeared. He's too desperate to realize how he was in a similar situation once, fighting these creatures at this exact spot. The difference is Alisson wasn't stabbed that day, she was able to kill an Oni with a silver arrow.

- I'm in the arms of my first love. - Her breath catches, blood staining her shirt. - The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love.

- Don't say goodbye, you're not dying. - Scott begs, wiping strands of hair out of her face. - You're going to be ok.

- I love you, Scott McCall. - The words leave Allison's lips in a whisper as her eyes close, heartbeat slowing down before finally stopping.

- No! - He cries onto her chest. - Allison, please! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

- Scott! - Another scream makes him lift his head, just in time to see Peter Hale in his alpha form clawing his mother's throat. Hundreds of drops of blood spilling on the floor in front of her.

- Mom! - He drops Alisson's limp body on the floor and runs to Melissa as Peter walks away.

By the time he reaches her, the redness has already taken over her hair, neck and shoulders. She's not breathing, the massive laceration was enough to take her life in seconds. Before he has the chance to process it, two voices yelling make him turn back around.

Instead of Allison's body, he's greeted by the sight of Gerard holding a gun to Daisy's head, as well as another hunter doing the same to Stiles.

- Come on, true alpha. - Gerard teases, briefly lifting the barrel of the pistol from Daisy's head. - Save your sister.

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