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Everyone slowly enters the house and spreads around in the couches and chairs, except for Daisy, who looks at the furniture like it's radioactive. It's not until Theo has taken a seat and made a signal that she's comfortable enough to plop down next to him. No one knows how to start, so the sheriff decides to speak up.

- Alright, Ro... Daisy. - Noah corrects himself. - Is it ok if I ask you a couple of questions?

Stiles filled his dad in on what happened at the clinic, so the sheriff knows she prefers to be called Daisy. The name change makes Melissa sick. Her little Rosie looks like a complete stranger. They don't even have the same name.

- Questions? - She looks at Theo, her expression carried with uncertainty.

- You can trust them. It's ok.

- Alright. - Daisy turns back to the sheriff. - What do you wanna know?

- Let's start with the facts. What's the first thing you remember?

- The ceiling. - Her narration has no emotions. It's almost like she's talking about someone else's story. - I woke up in a chair. Some of the Doctors were there, but I don't know which. I could never tell them apart. One of them said I'd been sold to pay for my family's debt, that I was test subject #1815195. And that it would be useless to try to remember anything else.

- Alright. - Stilinski writes it all down. - How did you meet Theo?

- It was that same day. - Daisy looks at her friend for confirmation and he nods. - After they took my blood I was taken to a cell. Theo was already there.

- A cell? - Melissa gasps, tears glistening in her eyes.

Smaller than the one they have at the precinct. It was filthy. There were rats in the walls and cockroaches too. She and Theo shared the space for a really long time. Occasionally one of them would leave to get something the Doctors wanted. Always a new element in their search to revive the beast. Daisy did most missions, which is counterintuitive because Theo was easier to control, but she was stronger. Ridiculously so.

- They took your blood? Do you know what for? - Stiles intervenes.

He knows that going emotional is not going to get the conversation anywhere, and he's not looking forward to listening to his best friend narrate this period of her life. A period where she needed help and he wasn't there. Scott is in a very similar headspace, what Daisy said at the station is haunting him.

- They weren't exactly keeping us in the loop. - Theo massages his temples. - But it happened more than once.

- Yeah, once a day for a week, maybe. But then they stopped. - Daisy shrugs. - I didn't complain, the blood draws always made me feel weak.

- So that's why they wanted you? For blood? - The sheriff makes an effort to keep his dinner on his stomach.

Noah watched Rose grow up, after all Stiles has been friends with her and Scott since they were 5 years old. Part of him hoped the Doctors wanted Rose just as a supernatural blood bag, but knows that's not the case. She's clearly traumatized, not to mention Stiles told him she admitted to killing people in the precinct.

- At first. - A dark look crosses her face. - But a month after I arrived they started giving me ... lessons.

- On what? - Stiles insists when she pauses.

- Mind control.

Once again Theo reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder, except this time Scott can see what Derek noticed at the station: the contact calms her down. It's not a good thing, but it's clear as day that the bastard is her anchor.

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