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It's been 2 hours since Daisy ran out of the house and everyone is still trying to digest the news. Scott, Stiles and Melissa are panicking, which is understandable, now they have yet another reason to be worried about her. Theo is trying to understand what all this means, revisiting the conversations he overheard between the Doctors in search of clues, but he comes out empty handed. The four are sat in the living room in dead silence, no one knows what to say or even what to think.

Isaac excused himself to go to the bathroom a while ago and is now sat on the hallway of the second floor, confused and scared. At the same time, what Derek said makes perfect sense and no sense at all. He always had something different from the other werewolves.

Does this means he has to become a warlock? For some reason that feels all kinds of wrong.

- Hey. - Daisy calls out, standing near her bedroom door, making Isaac snap out of his thoughts.

Her dark hair has been tied in a low ponytail and she's wearing a basic white shirt with jeans. Isaac realizes this is the first time he's seeing her without Theo's jacket - she never said it's his, but that's pretty obvious.

- Hi. - He looks up. - How did you get in here?

- I climbed the window. - A small grin takes over her lips and she hesitates a few times before sitting next to him on the floor. - Are you ok?

- Honestly, I have no idea. You?

Daisy simply shakes her head, words suddenly don't feel like enough to express her feelings. For a long moment they just take in each other's presence, knowing they'll have to go downstairs and face the others eventually.

- I'm scared. - Isaac breaks the silence, his eyes trained on the beige wall in front of them. - And confused. A lot of thoughts at once.

- I get the feeling. - Daisy rests her chin on her knee, emotions running wild.

- Look, this a weird situation for the both of us. - He finally looks at her, taking in her delicate features, dark eyes and pale skin. Daisy looks a lot like her father, while Scott is more similar to Melissa. - We didn't ask for this, but it's happening anyway, so we should try to figure it out.

The dimn light of the evening frames her face perfectly from where they're sitting. She's beautiful, there's no point for Isaac to deny it, but the discovery of the sire bond makes him wonder if he feels that way because he does or because of a connection none of them fully understand.

Unknowingly to him, Daisy's thoughts are in a similar train. She thinks Isaac is cute, the dimples on his cheeks, his curly hair and the way his eyes lit up on the rare moments he laughs. But now she isn't sure if any of it is real.

- I don't understand what you want from me. - Daisy admits in a shy whisper.

- I'm asking you to trust me. - His voice booms a confidence he doesn't really feel, but he stands up and holds his hand out for her. Trusting her not to hurt him, even though the first time was technically no one's fault.

Daisy hesitates, remembering the last time Isaac did that, but she still takes his hand. He locks their fingers and the two teenagers slowly make their way down the stairs, not letting go of each other until the very last second.

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