Mischief pt.2

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On the way back from school the next day, Isaac feels himself changing route to go to the veterinary clinic. The boy spent all day weighing his options: Deaton or Derek. He needs to talk to someone who has knowledge on witches otherwise, he'll just get lost in his own paranoia.

Hesitantly, he knocks on the door, and it doesn't take long for the vet to open up. Deaton doesn't seem particularly surprised to see him. They enter the office and sit in front of each other.

- I need to ask you something. It's kind of important. - Isaac blurts out, feeling his heart beat so fast it hurts a little.

- Go ahead. - Deaton gives him a warm smile, trying to show there's no need to be afraid or nervous.  

- You said vampires must love their Sires before being turned in order to have a sire bond. Is that right?

- Yes, that's right. - He nods, grinning a little at the realization of where this conversation is heading.

- And how about siphoners?

- Like I told you that day, they don't even need to know each other. - Deaton puts a hand on Isaac's shoulder, looking him in the eye to mark the next words. - Being sired doesn't change your heart. However you're feeling about Daisy, it has nothing to do with the bond. If you like her, it's because you like her.

- I .. No, I don't .. - He trails off, looking down as his face gets crimson red. - I mean.. I don't know.

- Well, then you better figure it out. - The vet pats his shoulder and lets go, standing up. - But rest assured the bond doesn't change your feelings. In other circumstances it might make you feel like you have to do whatever she tells you to do, but even then she couldn't force you to feel anything.

With one last nod the vet walks back to his work, tending to the injuries of a cat while Isaac takes the long path to go back to his house. Since his father died he has been living under the guardianship of an aunt who owns several houses across the United States. The woman also has absolutely no interest in being close to him. The end result is that he's living alone and she pays for everything. Not ideal, but definitely better than going to the system at 17 years of age.  


- Hey, you wanted to see me? - Stiles puts his head inside the room where Daisy is, sitting crossed legged in the middle of her bed.

- Yeah, I did. Come on in. - She gestures to the empty space in front of her and he reluctantly sits on the mattress.

- What's up? - Stiles asks, a concerned expression on his face.

- It's nothing bad, I just .. - She pauses, unable to look him in the eye. - I'm sorry for what happened at Derek's loft the other day.

Stiles is surprised, especially considering it had been days since that accident, and she hadn't said a word about it until now. Truth is she needed a moment to digest the whole thing. Even though she doesn't remember Stiles as one of her closest friends, she still feels bad for hurting him, accident or not.

- It wasn't your fault. - He says, making sure to not hesitate in between words. - I know you didn't mean to.

- Actually, you don't. - Daisy mumbles, looking at him with glistening eyes. - You know Rose wouldn't mean to and I'm not her. It's not fair but it's true.

She's verbalizing something all of her family ha thought of at some point. It still hurts like hell to hear.

- Well, you might be right, but it doesn't change the fact it was written in your face that you didn't want to hurt me. That day or any other. - Stiles offers a small smile. - And even if you're not my friend Rose, the sweet girl who used to call me Mischief, I can still read you. At least to some extent.

Daisy freezes, remembering all the journal entries Rose made about dating a boy she only referred to as Mischief. Of course it was Stiles, the guy she once had been madly in love with, it made sense. Even without remembering anything, she always felt better with him and Scott. But up until now, she hadn't realized the true nature of their connection. It fills a lot of blanks in her head.

- Ok. - Daisy nods, wondering why he never came forward to her or Scott about their relationship.

- I have to go, Lydia is waiting for me. - Stiles stands up quickly and looks around the room, his eyes landing on the removed floorboard by the window. - What happened there?

- Apparently she used to hide stuff there. - Daisy shrugs. - I just knew I had to look, but there was nothing.

- Right. - He shakes his head, dismissing the question about the journal. - See you around, Daisy.

- See you.

After looking at the floorboard one last time he leaves the room, closing the door on the way out. Daisy immediately reaches for the old diary she hid under the bed.

He kissed me. And I kissed him. Like, it actually happened, my first kiss. It was beyond perfect in every sense of the word, but I didn't expect it. I never thought Mischief could see me as more than his friend's twin, but I was wrong. He likes me and he said he wants me to be his girlfriend, he just needs to talk to my brother first.

Chuckling a bit at how naive this girl sounds, Daisy was ready to put the diary back in it's place when a sheet of paper slipped out, falling in front of her. It's dated from a week before Rose was taken, but it was made during the school day.

 It's dated from a week before Rose was taken, but it was made during the school day

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