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It didn't take long for that minute to be over. In fact, the second Scott and Melissa announced they had to travel to Boston to organize stuff for college, Daisy already had plans. Isaac tried to make a whole thing, have a cute little dinner beforehand, but it didn't last long.

Before the clock struck 10pm, Isaac and Daisy got lost in each other in a whole different way. Every few minutes he paused to make sure she was 100% into it and every time she was. With each kiss, each touch and each word, they fell for each other a bit more. It felt safe, intimate and fun, all at once.

At 11pm they're cuddling on her bed, the sweaty sheets and naked bodies being the only thing that differentiate this time from all the others.

- Are you ok? - Isaac's fingers skimming through her hair, the other hand entangled on hers on his chest.

- I'm ok. - Daisy's answer is honest. This might be one of the calmer moments of their relationship.

Everything with them always feels like a lot. So many emotions and deep connections, especially with the whole sire bond situation. The kisses are intense, the hugs are filled with longing. But when they're just holding each other like this, it's always very still.

- Can I ask you something? - Isaac looks down and makes eye contact with her.

- Of course.

- It's silly but... - A deep breath, gathering courage. - Will you be my girlfriend?

- I'd like that. - Daisy caresses his cheek, kissing him softly.

- Does that mean we have to tell your brother? Because I think he might kill me.

- I'm pretty sure he already knows. - Daisy laughs at the panic in his face. - Like, not the details obviously. But he knows.

- If I disappear, just know...

She interrupts him by pressing their lips together once more, giggling in between kisses. Isaac knows Scott won't actually hurt him, but the chance of him disapproving of their relationship is very real. Not that she cares. Things with her and the brother she can't remember are certainly better, but not enough to make her give up on Isaac.

It's past 2am when she leaves him sleeping to go get some water and finds Theo returning. He was meant to spend the weekend at Liam's, but over the next few minutes he explains his in-laws got home earlier so he decided to leave.

- Honestly, I'm just grateful they allowed me to stay there long enough to not listen to you two. - He smirks at Daisy, sitting on the kitchen table across from him.

- How do you know?

- I know you. - He shrugs, taking a sip of water. - And I love you but please spare me the details.

- Fine, but you might need to give us ... privacy more often now.

- Oh, God. You're be one of those people that start having sex and just can't stop. - Theo facepalms dramatically and she laughs, the sound reverberating in the kitchen. - I'll wish Scott and Melissa the best of luck.

- Don't even start. - Daisy shakes her head. - I haven't told them anything and Isaac is freaking out. He thinks they won't approve.

- Why do you care?

- I don't, not really. I still can't remember anything about them, I won't break up with Isaac if they have a problem with us.

- For the record, I don't think they will. - He reaches for her hand across the table, squeezing it gently. - Everyone can see how happier you are. And it's not hard to realize why.

Her cheeks turn red at the comment. It's true though, ever since she and Isaac met things had been really good. At least most of the time when no one needs supernatural assistance.

- Has he asked you yet?

- Ok, how did you know that?

- I heard him practice in the shower. - Theo chuckles at the memory. - It was cute. He has my approval, not that it matters.

- Of course it matters! - She argues. - More than anyone else's, actually.

- What's wrong? - He takes note of the exhausted look on her eyes, like she has been thinking about the same thing for way too long. - I thought you were happy.

- I am. That's the problem. - Daisy looks down, uncomfortable with her own thoughts. - I'm just not sure if I know how to do this. How to be happy. After everything I've done, the people I killed. I never expected it to be like this.

- Trust me, I know exactly what you mean. - He squeezes her hand one more time. - Let's just try to figure it out, one day at a time. I'll always be here for you, happy or not.

- I love you, trouble.

- I love you, witchy.

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