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It didn't take more than 15 minutes of searching through the woods before Derek found Theo's body. The wrecked black car was a lead but the remains were tossed far away, disfigured beyond recognition. One look was enough for him to decide he can let Daisy and Liam see it. Their last memory of Theo shouldn't be like this.

At the same time in the clinic, no one knows what to say or even if they should do anything. Daisy seems to be in some catatonic state while Liam and Mason cry silently, trying to figure something in between tears.

- Me, Corey, Daisy, Theo. - Mason repeats for the hundredth time, his voice breaking at his boyfriend's name. - What do we have in common?

- It can't be just supernatural. - Stiles thinks out loud. - It would have to include a lot more people.

- I thought maybe everyone but werewolves but Kira and Lydia aren't in the list. - Allison leans her head on Scott's shoulder as the alpha keeps his gaze on his sister.

In a 'dumb horror movie character' type of move, everyone came to the clinic despite Scott telling them not to. Aside from Derek who's still in the woods, the whole pack is gathered in the animal clinic in their prom attire.

Just when things seemed like they couldn't get any worse, Liam's phone buzzes with a message, his face instantly losing all color.

- Hayden... she's gone.

- What? - Scott turns to him. - What happened?

- They don't yet but it looks like.... an animal attack.

- Stiles, what is it that your dad used to say? - Malia speaks up, looking right at him. - Once is an incident, two is a coincidence but three...

- Three is a pattern. - The boy completes. - Guys that's it, there is a pattern.

- What is it? - Lydia asks, every nerve on her body filled with uneasiness.

- The Doctors. - Daisy replies before Stiles has the chance to say anything. - He's killing all the experiments. Hayden was a chimera, right?

- Yes. - Liam nods, guilt crushing his soul. The only two people he ever loved, romantically anyway, were both killed by the same guy. And he couldn't protect either.

- Kyle must be an experiment too, he must be responsible for everything that happened since I came back. - Daisy's voice is calm in a disturbing way, like the silence before a bomb explodes. - The visions you guys had, the dead animals, the missing supernatural creatures. He was gathering strength to kill all of us in one night.

- How did we miss this? - Scott mumbles, more to himself than to anyone else. - We had class with him every week and I never suspected ... it didn't even cross my mind.

- I understand your pack has a code of ethics. - The coldness in the witch's voice sends a chill through Scott's spine as she turns to him. - But just so we're clear, when we find him, he's I am going to kill him. Don't try to stop me or I'll kill you too.

Dead silence, the threat that obviously extends to everyone in the room aside from maybe Isaac lingers in the air. Again, the circumstances shove down Stiles and Scott's throats that this girl isn't Rose.

- No one's gonna stop you. - Liam's fists tremble with a rage he is trying his best to control. - If anything, we're gonna help you.

- This isn't how we do things... - Scott tries to sound firm but it comes out angry.

- I don't care. - Liam replies, grinding his teeth. - That guy killed Theo. If it was her you would do the same.

Allison looks down as Liam points to her, the tension from earlier getting even worse.

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