Each other

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Scott and Daisy had been searching the woods of Riverside for the better part of an hour, when a branch snapping in the distance made him look over his shoulders. Doesn't take long for him to see Isaac leaning on a tree like he doesn't have a care in the world.

- What's wrong? - Daisy stops next to her brother, not seeing the boy just a few meters away.

Thanks to his enhanced hearing, Scott can tell how nervous Isaac is. He moves his head in that direction and Daisy lights up as soon as their eyes meet.

- How long have you been standing there? - She asks, a tiny smile on her lips.

- Not long. - Isaac replies, taking long steps until he's face to face with the twins. - Why are you guys here?

- To bring you back. - Daisy's voice breaks for a second. - Why did you leave like that?

- I needed time to process what I saw. - The lie is believable but it doesn't fool anyone. 

- I don't buy it. - She shakes her head. - But that's besides the point.

- Please, man. Just come with us. - Scott tries to reason with him. - Everyone's freaking out, my mom is ready to call the FBI.

- Ok. - Isaac nods, adjusting the backpack on his left shoulder, not interested in staying away from the only family he's ever known for a second longer.

Awkward can't begin to describe the ride to Beacon Hills. Scott and Daisy are in the front while Isaac takes over the back of the vehicle. No one says a word. The only noise is from the radio, a news report about a car crash two cities away.

As soon as the car stops in front of the McCall house, Daisy jumps out and runs inside without giving Melissa or Theo, who had been waiting, the smallest look.

- Man, you fucked up. - Theo says as soon as Isaac and Scott approach. - Like, royally fucked up.

- What do you mean?

- I mean she was freaking out thinking something happened to you and it turns out you just left. - Scott tries to hide the anger in his words but it doesn't quite work. - So yeah, you fucked up.

Isaac sighs, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling his chest tighten.

I never meant to hurt her.

- Go talk to her. - Melissa advises while Theo and Scott enter the house. - It will only get worse if you don't.

He nods and she takes it as her cue to enter and get the dinner preparations started. Things certainly changed after she started to feed 4 mouths instead of one, but they make it work.

After taking a couple of minutes to gather courage, Isaac takes a nearly invisible trail to a clearing Daisy likes in the middle of the woods. She showed it to him a week ago, and he doesn't know it but he's the only person she brought here. Not even Theo has seen this place.

Just like he expected, she's sat on the ground near a really big oak, bloodshot eyes and red nose. The tightness on his chest gets worse at the realization she's crying because of him. Sire bond or not, it's easy to see she's in pain.

- Hey. - Isaac almost whispers as he sits next to her under the old tree.

- Hi. - Daisy doesn't look at him, keeping her gaze on the empty field in front of her.

There are several moments of dead silence, none of them able to figure out what to say. Daisy is hurt and Isaac feels guilty, seeing as he's the one who hurt her. How could he explain that in his mind this was a way to protect her? To keep him from ruining her, like he did his mother?

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