Hideous Creature

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In the first hour of the morning, in the middle Beacon Hills, Brett and his sister Lorilee are being chased by something. What is the thing attacking them? That's a fair question, but neither of the wolves can answer. Right now they're too concerned with escaping to ask their chaser who or what it is.

The creature is hideous, a messed up cross between a wolf, a man and some other creature with really big teeth. Lori was scratched in the stomach and started hallucinating minutes later, although from the outside she's just paralyzed.

- Come on, Lori. - Brett tightens his grip on her, carrying the girl over his shoulder across the empty city. Beacon Hills is a classic small town in some ways. No one is out this late, they have town meetings and bunch mass murders, - We're almost there.

Whatever the monster is, it decided to leave them alone when they approached the McCall residence.

- What the hell happened? - Scott asks while he and Melissa throw everything that was on the kitchen table on the floor.

- We were attacked. - Brett grunts, carefully laying his sister on the wooden desk. - I've never seen anything like it. Lori got a scratch and then she just ... froze.

Theo, Daisy and Isaac are standing by the door, trying to find a way to help.

- I'm gonna call Deaton. - Melissa announces, running out of the kitchen in search of her phone.

Brett grabs a chair and sits next to Lori, wiping the blood on her wound with a cloth.

After an hour that feels like a whole day, Deaton enters the house. Isaac, Scott and Theo are in school so the place isn't that crowded.

- Can you describe the creature? - Deaton asks, setting down his backpack on the chair. - Or maybe the scent?

- I made this - Brett hands him a piece of paper with a small sketch.

The veterinarian analyzes the drawing, more confused than before

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The veterinarian analyzes the drawing, more confused than before. He has some go to's for injuries of unknown nature, but it's a hit or miss. It might not help and sometimes it can even make things worse.

Daisy and Brett assist him with cleaning Lori's injuries and sending an update to everyone. She's still paralyzed but physically she's healing as expected. By the time school ends, Lori's wound closed completely and she seems to be in a deep sleep.

- Hey, you. - Theo sits next to Daisy on the couch while Stiles, Scott and Isaac talk to Deaton. - Everything ok?

- Yeah, she's healing.

- But? - He raises an eyebrow, knowing her all too well.

- It's hard to explain but I think she's scared. - Daisy huffs, crossing her arms. - And I can't make it stop.

- I don't smell fear. And as far as I know the others don't either.

She was about to argue when the boys and Deaton entered the living room. Brett remained by Lori's bedside like he has been the whole day.

- Theo, can you smell fear? - Scott asks suddenly.

- No. - He replies. - Why?

- See, I told you. - The alpha turns to Isaac.

- And like I said, I can smell it. She's terrified.

- You can smell Lori's fear? - Theo questions, giving Daisy a look.

- It's hard to explain. - Isaac looks down. - Not smell it properly but I just....

- Know she's scared. - Daisy completes. - Although it makes no sense and there's no logical explanation...you just know.

- Exactly. - The boy sighs in relief. At least he's not the only person feeling like this. - Do you know what it means?

- No, I've never felt it before.

- Let's wait another hour. - Deaton announces, speaking for the first time since entering the living room. - If she doesn't wake up I might have an idea.

- Why not do it now? - Brett shouts out from the kitchen.

- Let's just say it's not exactly safe

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