She won't survive

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Rescuing Parrish turned out to be not as complicated as they initially thought it would be. All Lydia had to do was release a banshee scream at the Eichen House employee who was holding a gun to Jordan's head, knocking the bad guy out and accidentally making the hellhound faint too. As she and Stiles drag out Parrish across the basement hallway, the creatures in the other cells beg for their freedom. Some of them seem human while others have dark eyes and weird bruises. It's bone chilling, terrifying, a fucking nightmare.

Even as they struggle to carry Jordan away from that hellhole, Stiles and Lydia are affected by what they witness. The creatures cry, beg, make promises and threats.

- Keep walking. - Lydia shouts when Stiles stops in front of a cell with a kid. - That's not what she looks like. It's a trick!

Stiles decides not to question, but that little girl's face will haunt his dreams.

- Bring her again. - An old man in the cell next to the kid says, looking right at Lydia. The man looks normal aside from the blackness covering his entire eye. - I haven't felt this peace in so long.

- What are you talking about? - Stiles takes a step closer while Lydia takes Parrish upstairs.

A grin spreads on his face and the temperature of the room drops. The man stands up from the floor and stops right in front of Stiles. The thick glass is the only thing between them, but is it enough to hold whatever he is?

- She thinks she's a witch, doesn't she? - The creepy old dude laughs loudly. - What I don't understand is why bring her here. She won't survive the visit.

A loud thud from upstairs is enough for Stiles to decide to finish this conversation. As far as he knows the man could be making all of this up and therefore this whole dialogue is useless. Only it isn't. This man, or this beast locked in a cell, is a lot of things, but a liar isn't one of them. As soon as Stiles reaches the top of the staircase, Theo bolts past carrying Daisy in his arms. He and Malia are panicked.

- What the hell happened? - Scott enters a moment later, followed closely by Allison, Lydia and Parrish, who managed to recover his consciousness.

Daisy looks like hell. Her face is paper white, her eyes are lifeless and bloodshot, and her body is completely limp. From afar, it looks like Theo is carrying a corpse.

- Get out of here! - Stiles yells, pointing to the main door. - This place is hurting her! We need to leave!

Theo doesn't wait for an explanation, he just tightens his grip on Daisy and bolts out of the haunted asylum. Everyone jumps in the cars and agrees to meet in the clinic, both vehicles driving fast enough to be arrested for speeding.

Allison is in the wheel of Scott's car with Lydia, Parrish, and Malia while the boys take Daisy in the Jeep. Her heart rate is too slow, but since they left the Eichen House she at least stopped getting worse. Tears of panic fall from Theo's eyes, but he tries to hide it.

As soon as they park he throws Daisy over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing. Lydia called on the way so Deaton is already waiting for them. Everyone storms the clinic and the vet instructs Theo to lay Daisy on the table. The number of times one of the other members was almost dying at this very table is just fucking ridiculous.

- What is happening? - Stiles asks as the pack floods the small room. - What is wrong with her?

Everyone is worried about Daisy, the wolves can feel her breathing and heartbeat slowing down. Scott is crying, begging the skies to not take his sister away again.

- I just got her back... - The alpha isn't talking to anyone in particular. - Please. I just got her back.

- Deaton, what is happening? - Lydia tries to stay calm.

- I'm not sure. - The vet replies, a small hint of panic in his voice.

- She's in pain. - Malia adds, grabbing Daisy's arm and showing her darkened veins.

- I figured, but you can't help her. - Deaton pulls Malia away from the girl on the table. - It won't change anything for her. Her body needs to process this on its own.

- Why? - Allison asks, gripping tightly on Scott's hand.

- It's the process. - Theo explains, grabbing a bench and sitting next to Daisy's head. - Her magic won't allow us to interfere. We just... need to trust the process.

- I'm afraid it's true. - The veterinarian nods, preparing a syringe. - This will help with the pain, but that's all I can do.

Deaton injects the silver liquid into her neck. It takes a few minutes, but eventually, a spark of redness appears on Daisy's face. The pack members look at each other and in a silent agreement, everyone but Scott, Theo, Stiles and Deaton walks out of the room.

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