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As the sun begins to set in the horizon, Daisy lifts her eyes from her journal and lets out a loud groan. Tonight marks the 10th day since Isaac disappeared and she is, understandably, very stressed. The sire bond makes it so that she can feel he's scared and lost. But there's nothing she can do, not when she doesn't know where he is.

Scott tried to find Isaac on his own that day. And later, the night after the disappearance, he asked everyone to help him search. Melissa is pressuring him and Stiles to report it to the authorities, but this will only make everything even more complicated.

- Still nothing? - Theo asks, sitting next to his best friend on the floor.

The balcony became a refugee for Daisy since Isaac left, but she hasn't told anyone the reason. In her mind, his departure has everything to do with the kiss, or rather with regretting it.

- No, nothing.

- Look, we need to give him some time. - Theo glances at the journal. There's a sketch of Isaac underneath the entry. - No one knows what he saw. It's probably bad, about his dad and all that.

- Yeah, but I don't understand why he needs to leave. - The pain in her words doesn't go unnoticed by Theo. - He might be in trouble or in danger, and we won't be able to help.

- Or maybe he's somewhere quiet trying to process whatever he had to see. - He tries to sound confident, but he doesn't trust those words. - We know he saw you.

- Why do you think his nightmare had me? We barely know each other.

- You were on mine.

- I'm your best friend. - Daisy retorts, smirking. - Aside from me and your boyfriend, who else?

- I... He isn't...

- Stop lying to me! - Daisy laughs at his blushing face. - One, you are absolutely terrible at it. And two, I saw you two kissing in your car.

- Keep your voice down! - Theo hisses, his face turning into an even brighter shade of red. - Did you forget how many people that frequent this house have enhanced hearing?

- Ok, but my point stands. It makes sense for me to be part of your vision, I'm your best friend.

- And he's in love with you.

- He's... - The words get stuck on Daisy's throat and it's painful to say them out loud. - He's not in love with me.

- Daisy...

- We kissed. - She confesses, her eyes watering. - I mean, he kissed me. And then he disappeared. It sounds like regret to me.

- Or maybe he's scared. - Theo ponders. - Sometimes falling in love is overwhelming. Give him a minute.

- He asked me to trust him and he fucking left. - A single tear rolls down her cheek. - I let him in, Theo. I don't let people in. Not even the family I can't remember. But I let him in, I opened up to him and he walked away.

- I'm proud of you. - He pulls her close, carefully embracing her as she cries on his shoulder.

Daisy's sobs are short and cold, remembering his comment about people in the house and enhanced hearing. Each of them feels like a knife cutting through Theo's soul. Eventually she calms down but they stay on the porch, legs thrown lazily in front of them.

- Just for the record, Isaac didn't leave because you kissed. - He states, not an ounce of doubt in his voice. - He left because he was forced to go through his worst nightmare and it freaked him out.

- That doesn't even make sense...

- For you maybe. - He cuts her line of thought, a dead serious look on his face. - In my vision I was forced to kill my best friend just seconds after watching the boy I love die. My reaction was to pull him close while Isaac's was to push you away.

- You love me? - Liam's voice comes out from the staircase and the two of them flinch at the intrusion.

- Liam! - Daisy exclaims, feeling her heart fasten at the scare.

- Sorry, I thought you had seen me. - He gives her an apologetic look. - Now back to what you guys were talking about...

- Let's have this conversation in private. - Theo extends his arm and Liam helps him stand up, but before walking out he turns to Daisy. - It's gonna be ok. He'll come back.

- How can you be so sure?

- Because you're soulmates. - Liam shrugs as if he's saying something extremely obvious. - And when two people are meant to be together, they find their way back to each other.

- Soulmates aren't real. - Daisy argues, looking down to hide her teary eyes.

- Neither are werewolves. - Liam replies, giving her one last grin before walking out with Theo behind him.

Daisy shakes her head, a battle happening inside her. While her heart wants to believe Liam's words, her mind is convinced Isaac just doesn't want her.

You left like I was never a reason to stay. Where are you? Please be ok.

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