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That same night, at a roadside diner 2 hours from Beacon Hills, Daisy watches the people walking through the place. It's interesting for her, to observe the coming and going of the families and couples. What stories do these people have? Are they married? Do they have kids? Will they divorce in 3 years because the wife banged her husband's brother?

Only time will tell.

Daisy's an unusual sight in a small town like this. Dark hair reaching her chest, pale skin and delicate features, plus a shabby leather jacket that is clearly too big for her and killer eyes. She irradiates the energy of someone who can murder people. She can. Easily.

Last name? Unknown. The girl can't remember anything aside from the past 4 years of her life, as much as she wishes it was possible to erase part of those. Her name was given to her by the only person she trusts. It's kind of a long story.

- Do you want something else? - A waitress approaches, slightly annoyed. Daisy has been sitting here for over an hour, but she hasn't ordered anything aside from a large black coffee that's already empty in front of her.

- Coffee to go. And the check. - Daisy replies, not looking at the woman and keeping her gaze on the parking lot. A black SUV just arrived.

After paying and grabbing the warm beverage, Daisy walks out of the dirty roadside diner and hops into the mystery car. There's a woman in the driver's seat. Leather jacket, mid to late thirties and black skin with a big scar on her neck. Most people assume that the scratch in Braeden's skin came from a regular wolf attack, but nothing is that simple when it comes to dealing with supernatural creatures.

- So? - Daisy stares at the woman in the driver's seat. - Did you find anything?

- Not just anything, I found your boy. - Braeden grabs the coffee cup and takes a sip. - Beacon Hills, California. He's a senior at the local high school.

- Are you sure? - Daisy writes down the information. Beacon Hills... Why does that name sound familiar? Maybe she lived there are some point. She doesn't know much, or rather anything, about her life before the Doctors.

- Saw him with my own eyes. - The mercenary shrugs. - The description you gave me was kinda vague, but he's registered as a student, I talked to the principal. - Using her expired US Marshall badge, but she won't tell Daisy that part. - How do you plan on getting there?

- There must be a bus. - Daisy's voice is coated with annoyance. - Or hitchhiking. I can handle myself.

During their meetings over the past month, Braeden and Daisy developed a friendship of some sort. The mercenary told her stories about the early days of working as a contract killer and Daisy showed her the nonlethal side of her powers. The fun spells and charms. They established a bond, maybe, but the concerned attitude is infuriating. Daisy can kill her and everyone in that little diner before most of them have a chance to get to their feet, but Braeden still treats her like a scared little girl.

It's hard for her, after all these years as a mercenary, to deal with a kid like Daisy. Not because she's too young or weak, which she isn't, much to the contrary. Braeden sees herself in Daisy, a lonely teenager in search of a boy that left her behind. Part of Braeden wishes she could warn the girl of how the story is going to end, but she doesn't.

- Alright. - Braeden is a master at feigning indifference. - Good luck, kid.

- Pleasure doing business with you. - Daisy hands her an envelope filled with cash and steps out of the car, walking away before Braeden has a chance to protest.

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