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Mason and Corey are the first couple to leave the prom, making out in a car outside school for a moment too long. They aren't graduating tonight but still had a lot of fun and are about to have some more.

Neither of them could tell what happened first: if it was the car door being ripped out of the bloodcurdling sound that came out of the horrendous creature next to them. Mason screams, trying to unfasten his seatbelt while the monster bit Corey's shoulder and starts to drag him out of sight.

By the time he jumps out of the vehicle, heavy rain is falling from the gray sky and the creature is nowhere to be found. He approaches Corey, who's laying on the floor with blood spurting from his shoulder and chest.

- Corey... - Mason takes off his jacket, desperately trying to contain the bleeding. - It's ok, you're gonna be ok.

There's no response from the chameleon, his lifeless eyes matching the sky above them. Scott and Allison are the first to arrive at the scene. The alpha has to pull Mason away from his boyfriend's body, hugging him tightly. Liam, Theo, Daisy and Isaac are not far behind, everyone gathering on that dark corner of the school parking lot.

- Is that... - Daisy doesn't have the time to finish her question before Mason falls to his knees, screaming at the top of his lungs.

- Dear God. - Theo looks away from the scene, the amount of blood and open flesh making him nauseous. A couple of meters ahead, underneath a staircase, he sees a piece of paper thrown on the floor. Slowly, so as to not gather attention for himself, he walks towards it, picking up the wet note.

Hayden Romero x

Corey Bryant x

Theo Raeken


Mason Hewitt

Kyle Thompson  

It takes him a second to understand what this list is and what exactly it means. Theo met Professor Thompson several times across the year, he seemed like a chill guy, but there was something..not human..about him. Aside from having a severe case of undiagnosed OCD, or at least that's Theo's assumption of the man, he smiled in a way that didn't reach his eyes.

For the first time in his life, staring at that piece of paper while listening to his friends trying to save Corey, Theo understands the weight of sacrifice. How tonight is gonna end is entirely up to him. The next name on the list. The person that's going to be killed next. If he tries to run, Kyle will go after him and that will buy the others time. If he stays, that monster will kill the whole pack just to get to him,
Mason and Daisy.

Looking at Liam, the person he loves more than anyone else in the world and Daisy, his best friend, one last time, he circles the parking lot and enters his own car. As soon as he begins to go towards the edge of the city, he grabs his phone and calls Daisy.

- What the hell are you doing? - She yells as soon as she picks up the phone, Mason's agonized crying echoing behind her.

- Kyle Thompson, he's a teacher at our school. The guy is a complete organization freak, he'll complete the list in order because he can't do it another way.

- I don't understand. - The fear in her voice is palpable. - What list? Where are you going?

- I'm next, then it's you and Mason. He put himself as the last one so whatever the reason is, it circles back to him. - Theo looks back and sees the creature already on his tail, speeding even faster towards an empty trail in the woods. - You need to find out why before he gets to you. I'm luring him away but that only buys you a few minutes, maybe an hour.

- He's gonna kill you. - The girl realizes, her stomach twisting like never before. - Where are you? You can't do this, it's not right.

Liam, Scott and Isaac stop what they're doing to pay attention to Daisy on the phone while Lydia, Allison and Stiles try to figure out what to do with Corey's body.

- Dying to save my best friend and the guy I love. - Theo tries to hide the pain in his voice. - Sounds right to me. You need to run, go to the clinic. Protect each other as much as possible, do you hear me? You and Mason are next, in that order. Use that and kill this bastard.

- Please don't do this. - She cries onto her phone, Liam getting more panicked at every word that comes out of the phone.

- I love you, witchy. - Theo looks at the rear view mirror, Kyle is getting close. - Tell Liam I love him.

- Please...

Daisy can barely talk or move, her entire body is frozen in pure fear, hands shaking violently.

- You need to figure it out ok? For me. You deserve to be happy Daisy. - One of his tires is slashed, causing the vehicle to spin around for several meters while slowing down, his head hitting the panel of the car. - it for me.. be happy Da-

His sentence is cut short by Kyle breaking the window, going straight for his throat. There's no fight, it would never have one, the guy is much stronger than him. Daisy cries into the phone, feeling his death with her powers. The sound is so strong it knocks over a couple trees nearby, not to mention break all the car windows. If it wasn't for the storm they would have a lot of problems explaining all this.

Isaac runs to her, holding her waist before her knees give out and she sobs into his shoulder, her entire world falling apart inside her. Liam stares ahead, not listening to anything his friends say, completely paralized.

Theo Raeken is dead. His boyfriend is gone and he's never coming back. They'll never move to Boston after graduation, get married or have kids. It's over.

Daisy clings to Isaac, crying harder than she ever cried in her 4 years of life. Her best friend just gave his own life for her, the only person she fully trusted for most of her life will never talk to her again. He won't come to her wedding, he won't invite her to his own. It's done.

Remembering his words, Daisy inhales sharply and pulls herself together. She turns to the rest, trying to find the right words.

- We need to go to the clinic. - Her voice breaks but she forces herself to continue. - I'm the next target and then it's Mason. Theo bought us some time but not much.

- Why? - That's the only word Liam is able to muster, tears dropping from his eyes.

- I don't know, we need to figure it out. - She sighs deeply, wiping her face despite the fact there's pouring rain above all of them. - The monster is Kyle Thompson, he's your teacher. He has a list that he'll follow in the exact order.

- Stiles! - Scott calls out as he and Lydia walk across, the girl nearly throwing up at the sight of Corey. - We need to get Mason and Daisy to the clinic right now, where's the Jeep?

- What happened?

- We'll explain on the way. - Scott turns to Liam and Allison, eyes filled with despair. - The two of you and Lydia call my mom and figure out what to do with Corey. The rest of us go to the clinic and come up with a plan. Stay here until further notice, ok? Don't go there!

Isaac, Daisy, Mason, Scott and Stiles cram themselves in the Jeep, driving to the Veterinary Clinic as fast as possible without breaking any laws. Daisy's eyes are red, her whole body tense with anger, so strong she doesn't notice a familiar tingle rising in her hands. Her mind is swarmed with memories, good and bad, with Theo across the years. Nothing makes sense, how is she supposed to live in a world without him?

How do you keep going when the worst thing has happened?

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